Home / Georgia / What Will Kemp Do To Stop The Cartels Operating In GA?

What Will Kemp Do To Stop The Cartels Operating In GA?

  • RNC is seek­ing a new cred­it line to help climb out of the mon­ey hole. Trump is say­ing that he will sign the agree­ment when the nom­i­nee is offi­cial. The RNC is not on the Trump train as much as they are want­i­ng to raise the mon­ey. The dis­trict and coun­ty endorse­ments are gen­uine because they dont enter into cam­paign fundrais­ing agree­ments.
  • GA will not answer where the ille­gals are in GA. What will Kemp do to stop the car­tels oper­at­ing in GA. We have the mem­o­ry of the big truck. We remem­ber when Kemp promised to load them in the truck.
  • CJ is run­ning for House Dis­trict 125 in GA. But Bri­an Kemp has to con­trol the out­come. Kemp appoint­ed Bar­ry Flem­ming to dis­trict judge. GA GOP House can­di­date tar­get­ed by Kem­p’s allies. This is a job that pays 17.5K a year. Kemp has backed a cham­ber of com­merce can­di­date. They are chal­leng­ing CJ res­i­den­cy and vot­ing record.

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