Home / National / GOP Is Failing, Ronna Wanted The Joint Fundraising Agreement Done

GOP Is Failing, Ronna Wanted The Joint Fundraising Agreement Done

  • Ron­na want­ed the Joint Fundrais­ing Agree­ment done because the RNC is fail­ing. Many GOPs across the coun­try are in trou­ble. The legal bills. The RNC is bro­ken. Why is Char­lie Kirk Turn­ing Point Action hold­ing a counter event to the RNC win­ter meet­ing? They need Ron­na out because of the del­e­gates at the con­ven­tion in July. Remem­ber Nik­ki is still out there. Ron­na and the RNC can­not be trust­ed to name Trump the nom­i­nee. Every­thing is look­ing good but there are a cou­ple of hur­dles that need to be cleared and Ron­na is one of them.

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