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Who put the Kiss My Ass smile on Putins face?

  • They want infight­ing in the GA GOP; it is all part of the plan.
  • They are angry about Trump say­ing NATO. The google machine is going nuts because all the users are search­ing for NATO, who pays, the cor­rup­tion, the play­ers.
  • They rushed to save the elite while your fam­i­ly mem­bers died. 200 con­gress­men took iver­mectin before the vac­cine. 99M vac­ci­nat­ed peo­ple reveal increas­es in neu­ro­log­i­cal, blood and heart con­di­tions asso­ci­at­ed with COVID 19 vac­cines.
  • Vol­un­teers need­ed to sup­port refugee reset­tle­ment efforts in Michi­gan. They dont need the help, they arent exchange stu­dents. We have fos­ter care kids that need homes and help.
  • While Mike Turn­er was mak­ing you think there was a nation­al secu­ri­ty threat that he had to han­dle, he went to Munick with the $95B in for­eign human­i­tar­i­an aid. Naval­nys wife was in Munick while her hus­band was get­ting poi­soned by Putin.
  • Why do you think Biden allowed Rus­sia to invade Ukraine? If Rus­sia con­tin­ues to go into a NATO coun­try, we will be forced into war.
  • Who put the Kiss My Ass smile on Putins face? Could it be Biden with the sanc­tions that have enriched Rus­sia? And the print­ing of the US dol­lar devalu­ing our mon­ey. Rus­sia did­nt steal your mon­ey or your elec­tion, but they are the vil­lain in the sto­ry.
  • Vick­tor Orban is want­i­ng Trump in office to bring peace to Europe. They know that the war­mon­gers in the US.

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