Home / Georgia / Why does Kemp and his Political Machine have to get involved?

Why does Kemp and his Political Machine have to get involved?

  • Remem­ber the pres­i­den­tial pri­ma­ry. Trump is on the bal­lot and CJ is on the bal­lot. And Richard­son, Kemp endorsed can­di­date, is on the bal­lot against CJ on March 12. This will be the first test of Kemps polit­i­cal machines against Pear­sons Trump aligned MAGA brand. Why does Kemp have to get involved in this? If he can get Richard­son over the fin­ish line, they will be able to say Kemp is the Trump slay­er.
  • GA Ag com­mis­sion­er met with Trump over the week­end.
  • GA sen­ate bud­get writ­ers back $5B in new spend­ing.
  • The GA GOP should pass a res­o­lu­tion to remove Brad Raf­fensperg­er as a repub­li­can in GA.

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