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A Governor Has The Ability To Bring Attention To Issues

  • Where is the san­i­ty?
  • When you are a gov­er­nor of a state you can bring atten­tion to things. You have the abil­i­ty to call things out. Kemp used this issue as a cam­paign strat­e­gy. Bri­an Kemp as Sec­re­tary of State put the motor vot­er rolls in place. As Sec of State he tells you he stops ille­gals he stopped ille­gals from vot­ing twice.
  • Until we have the guts to say that we will not allow bad peo­ple rule over us, we wont get our coun­try back.
  • Kemp con­nects the vot­er rolls to the DMV. Now Kemp knows that ille­gals are a high­ly like­ly vote at some point.
  • Why would he put a stop to it in GA. He can draw atten­tion to it.
  • Always remem­ber that the strug­gle we have today with Joe Biden being installed as Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States is with Bri­an Kemp cer­ti­fy­ing a fraud­u­lent elec­tion.
  • GA sanc­tu­ary cities, law­mak­ers will tell you that we dont have sanc­tu­ary cities in GA. Dal­ton, Athens is a sanc­tu­ary city. Our sanc­tu­ary cities do not con­tact ICE when the ille­gals are detained.
  • Kemp has not used his office one day to try to stop ille­gals from com­ing to GA. In the last 6 years, he has nev­er used or called for an emer­gency press con­fer­ence to keep your fam­i­lies safe. The drugs, sex traf­fick­ing in this state.
  • How can a law­mak­er put a bill on the floor to pass when you know­ing­ly destroy lives. We dont want casi­nos in our back­yard
  • Gwin­nett com­mis­sion­ers plan to raise chairs salary by 56%
  • A judge has deter­mined that Nathan Wades for­mer law part­ner and divorce lawyer must tell the court what he knows about the spe­cial pros­e­cu­tors rela­tion­ship with DA Fani Willis. This case in GA has to end.

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