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Let them Live, Give them a House, a Job Just Watch

  • Kemp would have nev­er said any­thing if no one would have died.
  • But we want to secure our bor­der to get home more afford­able. Now we have to have afford­able hous­ing for the ille­gals
  • Let them live, get them a house, let them work, get them a job. Then let them vote.
  • Trump won SC. Nik­ki is still in the race and Koch is pulling their mon­ey. The fear is enor­mous to stop Trump. We are going to war, Ukraine will become a part of NATO. but if Trump is pres­i­dent, it may not hap­pen.
  • What Trump was doing was bring the deci­sions back to Amer­i­ca. Trump has them all in a tight spot.
  • Schumer goes to Ukraine. To promise them the mon­ey and you will be in a full scale war.
  • The spy war: how the CIA secret­ly helps Ukraine fight Putin.
  • They are all going to the White House. Con­gres­sion­al lead­ers meet­ing at White House on Tues­day.
  • Wargames have repeat­ed­ly shown that the US will run out of crit­i­cal muni­tions only 8 days into a high-inten­si­ty con­flict with Chi­na over Tai­wan. Our armed forces do not have the muni­tions need­ed for a con­tin­gency in the Indo-Pacif­ic region, and we cer­tain­ly arent pro­duc­ing enough muni­tions to sus­tain oper­a­tions in all three the­aters at once.
  • In two years, Rus­sias econ­o­my has rebound­ed. Its fac­to­ries are hum­ming and its oil and gas sales are rel­a­tive­ly strong. The Russ­ian econ­o­my in 2023 out­paced both the US and Europe in terms of growth, increas­ing in size by 3.6% despite being sub­ject to a wide array of pow­er­ful eco­nom­ic sanc­tions and being cut off from major glob­al mar­kets. Rus­sia is doing well. The sanc­tions did­nt work, only strength­ened Rus­sia.
  • Google has a major prob­lem with their AI.

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