Home / Georgia / Passing the Buck Policies, Securing Our Border

Passing the Buck Policies, Securing Our Border

  • The CIA set up 12 secret facil­i­ties in Ukraine along the Russ­ian bor­der over an 8 year peri­od.
  • The Red Sea Cri­sis trig­gers short­age of oil tankers. The Houthis cam­paign of tar­get­ing com­mer­cial ships trav­el­ing through the red sea is affect­ing major glob­al ship­ping giants. Forc­ing them to halt their oper­a­tions through the strate­gic pas­sage­way.
  • You are going to war. Ukraine will join NATO.
  • Caught between Putin and Trump Europe is trapped in a tight spot between Putin and Trump.
  • GA House Speak­er Jon Burns would explore ways to strength­en the secu­ri­ty of our state, enhance pub­lic safe­ty and act where the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has failed to do so after the death of 22 year old Larkin Riley.
  • Why now?
  • They are just now fig­ur­ing out they need to do some­thing. They keep pass­ing the buck say­ing that it’s the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment prob­lem. If you know that soon­er or lat­er some­one is going to die you do some­thing about it.
  • A Venezue­lan migrant sus­pect­ed of mur­der­ing a nurs­ing stu­dent at Uni­ver­si­ty of Geor­gia was arrest­ed in NYC just five months ago for endan­ger­ing a child. Fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tors charged Diego Ibar­ra with pos­sess­ing a fake US per­ma­nent res­i­dent card late Fri­day, the same day police charged his younger broth­er with mur­der in the death of a nurs­ing stu­dent on the Uni­ver­si­ty of GA cam­pus.
  • Theres not a let­ter or demand to know where they are until some­one is killed. It is all a polit­i­cal stunt now. Why not have the out­rage years ago before some­thing hap­pens.
  • Joe Biden does­nt have any failed poli­cies if Bri­an Kemp does­nt cer­ti­fy a fraud­u­lent elec­tion.

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