Home / Georgia / Why Did Someone Have To Die Before The Outcry?

Why Did Someone Have To Die Before The Outcry?

  • Bri­an Kemp and Mar­ty are out cut­ting rib­bons. Mar­ty is sup­posed to be stop­ping the sex traf­fick­ing. Why dont we have a press con­fer­ence demand­ing it to stop. Where is the out­cry?
  • Its all fun and games until some­one gets killed.
  • Bri­an Kemp has always stabbed Don­ald Trump in the back. Fake Kel­ly was sup­posed to oppose the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of the elec­tion and then she gave that speech. Now she wants to put some mon­ey behind run­ning a can­di­date against Fani Willis. Remem­ber Willis would­nt have a case if Kemp would­nt have cer­ti­fied a fake elec­tion.
  • It is not what he could do. It is what he said he would do. He ran the com­mer­cial about haul­ing them back in his big truck. He has nev­er held a press con­fer­ence to ask Joe Biden, where are they? Remem­ber when a cou­ple of weeks ago Colton Moore released the ATL air­port.
  • Blood Mon­ey why the pow­er­ful are turn­ing a blind eye when Chi­na kills amer­i­c­as. Poi­son pill. How Chi­na is flood­ing Amer­i­ca with fen­tanyl on pur­pose to under­mine our soci­ety.
  • He could­nt call a spe­cial ses­sion but he called for the pic­ture on the steps for the polit­i­cal the­ater to send the nation­al guard engi­neers to the bor­der.

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