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All Star Political Panel with Steve Gooch

  • Fani Willis inves­ti­ga­tion. The media want things polar­ized and want the pub­lic angry. The divi­sion is good for busi­ness for the media. The Fani Willis case was must watch TV, the rat­ings were as good as the OJ Simp­son case.
  • We arent spend­ing enough time focus­ing on the agree­able parts. But that is bor­ing the­ater. Busi­ness peo­ple are very ner­vous about what NYC has done to Trump. The banks always do their due dili­gence. It was the DA that went after Trump. They twist­ed an obscure law and used it against Trump. The judge has appealed the 30 day stay to allow for the appeal. The assets are work­ing peo­ple.
  • The leg­is­la­ture is using the process to rope in the DAs that are vio­lat­ing their oath of office.
  • Ille­gal immi­gra­tion, the mod­er­ate democ­rats know that there is a prob­lem. Joe Biden has cre­at­ed this issue. There have been over 170 coun­tries that have crossed the bor­der. The lifestyle that we are use to are almost gone because of the inva­sion.
  • Our votes are just as impor­tant as our mon­ey. Our vote is the peo­ples pow­er. We have tes­ti­mo­ny in fed­er­al court that have shown these machines are hack­able and are not fix­able. Raf­fensperg­er chose the Domin­ion machines.
  • Soros has bought the sec­ond largest radio net­work in Amer­i­ca. All media is to dri­ve a nar­ra­tive. Soros knows they need a stronger voice for the nar­ra­tive.
  • Win­ners and Losers

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