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BKP with Senator Steve Gooch on Georgia Legislation

  • Amer­i­ca First license plates com­ing in GA. the democ­rats turned down in the com­mit­tee. Also the democ­rats did­nt sup­port Israel, a res­o­lu­tion secur­ing the bor­der and con­demn­ing Joe Biden. The democ­rats are against Amer­i­ca First poli­cies. The old guard democ­rats are sit­ting qui­et­ly, the young mil­len­ni­al democ­rats are tak­ing over.
  • Crossover day is Thurs­day when the bills are moved to the oth­er cham­ber. There are some bills that the House and the Sen­ate mir­ror the lan­guage as com­pan­ion bills.
  • Elec­tion bills that the Sen­ate are pass­ing.
  • SB358 deals with the State Elec­tion board, total­ly removes the SOS from the board. And allows the State Elec­tion board to inves­ti­gate the SOS.
  • SB189 removed the use of bar­codes and QR codes from the bal­lots. The bal­lots will be count­ed via print­ed text or box. This has passed the com­mit­tee and Sen­ate. This will go into effect July 1 and it will be in place for the Novem­ber elec­tion. It will also require the water­mark that will be vis­i­ble.
  • SB355 pro­hibits rank choice vot­ing. But it does allow the mil­i­tary to con­tin­ue the rank choice only because of the time con­straints of run offs elec­tions. There are cities across the coun­try that are try­ing to switch
  • SB367 elim­i­nates drop box­es. We need a def­i­n­i­tion of what con­sti­tutes a drop box. We need to allow the elec­tions to be ran local­ly. The Gwin­nett co board of elec­tions passed a res­o­lu­tion that will allow some­one to drop off a bal­lot with­out any ques­tions asked. Has passed com­mit­tee has not passed Sen­ate, yet. It is in rules.
  • SR465 — empow­ers a com­mit­tee in the Sen­ate with sub­poe­na pow­ers. That com­mit­tee has been formed and has already met inves­ti­gat­ing Fani Willis. The hear­ing last week have exposed her activ­i­ties more to the leg­is­la­ture and are work­ing to get on top of the cor­rup­tion in Ful­ton Coun­ty.
  • SB221 — has come out of com­mit­tee. Dis­con­nect the DMV in a way that the cit­i­zen does­nt auto­mat­i­cal­ly reg­is­ter to vote with just get­ting a dri­ver’s license. It is in the rules com­mit­tee. It has to be on the floor on Tues­day or Thurs­day.
  • Why cant we touch no excuse absen­tee bal­lots? The repub­li­cans cre­at­ed the expan­sion to access to the bal­lot box. 21 days is too long. Now we have law­suits that are being filed by the left and the democ­rats are say­ing that the repub­li­cans are sup­press­ing the elec­tions. The bills that have been passed since SB202 have not sup­pressed the vot­ing. The peo­ple are tired of hear­ing what the courts are going to do. We need no excuse to get our elec­tions secure.
  • The bud­get year starts July 1. There were changes in it based on rev­enue, unex­pect­ed expens­es and cuts. There has been mon­ey sent back through home­stead exemp­tion relief and reduc­tion in State income tax. A lot of the new mon­ey is going to the DOT to sup­port the state infra­struc­ture. The Biden admin­is­tra­tion has caused a super infla­tion that has caused the road projects to dou­ble in price which has impact­ed the state bud­get.
  • 3% max­i­mum cap in reassess­ing the val­ue of your land. It has to go to the house to be passed.

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