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The Deep State Has To Have A Hero For You To Buy The Narrative

  • Remem­ber when the lap­top infor­ma­tion came out right before the debate and how the big tech cen­sored every­thing and the let­ter that came out from the 51 CIA guys. Then they came out say­ing that maybe the lap­top was real. Now remem­ber there is an FBI infor­mant that is under arrest for pro­vid­ing false infor­ma­tion that the FBI put out as legit­i­mate. Remem­ber Cather­ine Her­ridge who was fired last week at CBS as she was doing the deep dive into the Hunter Biden lap­top, they con­fis­cat­ed her docs. Now in the past few days they have turned around the nar­ra­tive. Would­nt this be what we would hear about in Rus­sia. Its about time they run 7 days a week that Putin is a bad guy.
  • Joe took a year to find East Pales­tine OH. Yes­ter­day Joe Biden met with Naval­nys wid­ow for­get the inva­sion in this coun­try. Why? The Deep State has to have a hero, because you have to send $60B to Ukraine. Its been 2 years since Biden start­ed the war in Ukraine. They need a new star Naval­ny.
  • CIA Burns is in Paris. FBI Christo­pher Wray has sent Con­gress warn­ings of Chi­na hack­ing our infra­struc­ture. Yes­ter­day morn­ing over 8 hours cell ser­vices were down in NY, Hous­ton, Atlanta, Philadel­phia could not com­mu­ni­cate at all, they could­nt make 911 calls. What will hap­pen if that was a trail run? Rus­sia plans to have 40 rock­ets into space.

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