Home / Georgia / Fani Willis Case Needs To Be Dismissed Immediately

Fani Willis Case Needs To Be Dismissed Immediately

  • Wit­ness in Fani Willis hear­ing is ordered to take the stand again as judge dis­miss­es claim that emails with DAs lover Nathan Wade are cov­ered by attor­ney-client priv­i­lege: Trump lawyers say they prove affair start­ed before she hired pros­e­cu­tor. Cell phone records sug­gest Fani Willis and Nathan Wade lied about when their rela­tion­ship began. This case should end this week. We need to see Fani Willis brought up on charges. We need the state bar to remove Willis and Wades license. They have cell phone records show­ing how he lied on the stand.
  • Judge sets March 1 hear­ing on Fani Willis dis­qual­i­fi­ca­tion, clos­ing argu­ments.
  • We all know the whistle­blow­er that came out say­ing that the office mis­han­dled grant mon­ey. And she also released infor­ma­tion that the rela­tion­ship between Wade and Willis began in 2021. Wades law part­ner claimed attor­ney client priv­i­lege and did not tes­ti­fy, but he will be back on the stand today. We have cell phone records for Nathan Wade. There is data that con­firms the lie, it has not been admit­ted into court yet.
  • Fri­day the judge has set clos­ing argu­ments. McAfee has no choice but to dis­miss this case. Then the deep state media will pres­sure to get the case picked up but no oth­er coun­ty can take up the case.
  • A Venezue­lan migrant is charged with sex­u­al­ly assault­ing a child in Vir­ginia just six months after catch and release by bor­der guards in El Paso.
  • The world is not upset about Trump mov­ing the man­u­fac­tur­ing back to the US. They are upset that Trump will bring the deci­sions back to the US.
  • White House breaks silence about Lak­en Riley mur­der. Cor­po­rate Media cov­er for Bidens bor­der inva­sion by pre­tend­ing Lak­en Rid­ley mur­der was­nt an ille­gal cross­er.
  • While yes­ter­day was Hyundai Day at the GA State Capi­tol.
  • If Bri­an Kemp did­nt play along with the steal of the elec­tion, Joe Biden would­nt be in office and the remain in Mex­i­co pol­i­cy would still be in place.
  • Hakeem Jef­fries is a place­hold­er for Nan­cy Pelosi. Nan­cy will be speak­er again. Keep in mind that the nation­al secu­ri­ty advi­sor is Jake Sul­li­van.
  • Europe is trapped between Putin and Trump. Europe is ner­vous that Trump will take the deci­sion from Brus­sels back to the US.
  • You are at war. Macron warns the West has not ruled out putting boots on the ground in Ukraine to fight the Russ­ian inva­sion. The US has had 12 secret spy bases in Ukraine and helped top­ple the gov­ern­ment in 2014.
  • They did not want you to see that sanc­tions have failed in Rus­sia. They did­nt want you to see that their econ­o­my is out pace US.
  • Ukraine does­nt have intel­li­gence, they have the CIA.
  • Houthis knock­out under­wa­ter cables link­ing Europe to Asia.

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