Home / Georgia / We Have Been Asking For Years, Where Are They?

We Have Been Asking For Years, Where Are They?

  • This is noth­ing new to these peo­ple. We have the beau­ti­ful young lady Lak­en Riley is dead. The law­mak­ers have known that there is a prob­lem. But they havent done any­thing. We have been ask­ing for years, Where are they?
  • Eric Adams calls for an end to sanc­tu­ary city sta­tus in screech­ing u‑turn after wel­com­ing ille­gals with open arms, draw­ing 200K arrivals in 18 months and spark­ing a crime wave.
  • The mon­ey that is being tak­en from the tax­pay­er to defend against the ille­gals. Sanc­tu­ary cities have been in GA for years, but the law­mak­ers in GA will tell you that sanc­tu­ary cities are against the law. GA house pan­el advances bill aimed at sanc­tu­ary cities. HB1105. Law­mak­ers all along have known all along, Bri­an Kemp has known it all along.
  • We are deal­ing with car­tels. Your ene­my this morn­ing is not Rus­sia. Your ene­my for any­one in the con­ti­nen­tal 48 is Mex­i­co. They are not an ally. Allies dont allow this. We have more imports com­ing from Mex­i­co than Chi­na for the first time. The world knows that it is cheap­er to send things through Mex­i­co into the US. The real attack is com­ing from the south­ern bor­der. NOt 60B for Zelen­sky in Ukraine.
  • The increase in fen­tanyl deaths is up 124% from 2019 to 2021.
  • Kemp has known this. But as long as the cham­ber of com­merce keeps pat­ting him on the back and he can go to Davos and get the back­slaps along with the Gov­er­nors Asso­ci­a­tion, he can push it down for as long as he can. Law­mak­ers have known about it, they have known about it, your sher­iffs have been telling them, now they are scram­bling to do some­thing about it. Where has the push back on sanc­tu­ary cities for years. They know about it in Macon, Colum­bus, Val­dos­ta, Athens, Rome, Dal­ton. They act like they just found out.
  • It all goes back to Kemp cer­ti­fy­ing a fraud­u­lent elec­tion. Remem­ber Trump came out say­ing there was going to be a V econ­o­my, but we need­ed the right peo­ple in place to be able to ensure it would bounce back. But Kemp cer­ti­fied the fraud­u­lent elec­tion and installed Joe Biden.

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