Home / Georgia / Judge McAfee Has Sole Decision To Remove Willis & Refer To State Bar

Judge McAfee Has Sole Decision To Remove Willis & Refer To State Bar

  • Incred­i­ble moment Nathan Wades divorce lawyer appears to mut­ter oh dang when hes shown a text mes­sage He Sent say­ing his client start­ed dat­ing Fani Willis before she hired him to pros­e­cute Trump. Nathan Wades very for­get­ful divorce lawyer ties him­self up in knots as hes cru­ci­fied on the stand when quizzed about his Trump-pros­e­cut­ing client dat­ing GA DA Fani Willis.
  • Ex-Wade law part­ner tes­ti­fies he does­nt know when the rela­tion­ship with Ful­ton DA began. They know he lied yes­ter­day. This is cost­ing a for­tune. This is inten­tion­al, it’s all a set up. This is by finan­cial­ly designed to col­lapse the GOP across the coun­try. The democ­rats have a war chest. The DCCC is full of cash for 2024. Ready to take back the House to hand the gav­el back to Nan­cy Pelosi.
  • Ron­na McDaniel plans to step down on March 8. All the GOP State orga­ni­za­tions are on the decline to broke.
  • Every­time a motion is made with a RICO charge, every attor­ney has to make an appear­ance for their client. Every attor­ney got an oppor­tu­ni­ty to ques­tion the wit­ness­es at the Fani Willis hear­ing caus­ing an increase in legal bills to every client. The RNC and the GOPs are sup­posed to have mon­ey that is com­ing in to sup­port our can­di­dates but it is all going to legal fees. And Nik­ki Haley run­ning around call­ing out the legal bills.
  • Fani Willis is an offi­cer of the court. Nathan Wade and Ter­rance Bradley are offi­cers of the court. You take an oath, all three took an oath. If a cit­i­zen goes on the stand and lies, you can be brought up on per­jury charges. The Offi­cer of the court is sup­posed to be held to a high­er stan­dard. Fani Willis, Nathan Wade and Ter­rance Bradley lied under oath. They need to be dis­barred, brought up on charges, and go to prison. Now every case they have been involved in should be brought into ques­tion. Fri­day is clos­ing argu­ments. Every­time you hear I dont recall is when they are put in a posi­tion to lie and they want to cov­er for them­selves.
  • Judge McAfee has the sole deci­sion to remove the DA Fani Willis from the case and to refer all of this to the State Bar.
  • We get frus­trat­ed because no one goes to jail. Every­one that we know to be cor­rupt and no one goes to jail.

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