Home / Georgia / The Bad Three Men In GA That Allow The Corruption

The Bad Three Men In GA That Allow The Corruption

  • Nik­ki Haley vows to stay in the race until Super Tues­day.
  • Texts between Wade and Willis are final­ly revealed in the case as Mer­chant press­es Bradley on the stand. Judge McAfee has the sole dis­cre­tion from releas­ing the Ful­ton DA office from han­dling the case. Ash­leigh Mer­chant will high­light every lie. The Ful­ton DA case has to be removed from the case.
  • Chi-Com Kemp #ChiComKemp. The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is sup­posed to pro­tect our bor­der and our states against a for­eign inva­sion. The Biden poli­cies did lead to the death of our kids through mur­der and fen­tanyl. Kemp used Kate Stein­le, Edwin Jack­son and Can­non Fam­i­ly in a cam­paign video. Kemp has known what is going on in the state and has­nt sound­ed the alarm until now. AG Chris Carr is as estab­lish­ment as you can get. This crime could have been avoid­ed if Chris Carr would do his job. Your attor­ney gen­er­al is talk­ing about failed DAs and lead­ers allow­ing sanc­tu­ary cities that are against state law. Chris Carr is part of the cor­rup­tion of GA. We need some­one in GA that will uphold the law instead of the Cow­ard of the South, Chris Carr.

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