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Its Wile E. Coyote vs Roadrunner

  • Every time the repub­li­cans seem to have caught up with the democ­rats, its like the repub­li­cans are Wile‑e Coy­ote and the democ­rats are the Road­run­ner.
  • Today is bor­der day. Trump and Biden are both vis­it­ing the bor­der today won­der who will get the air time. Swing state vot­ers are blam­ing Biden and the democ­rats for the bor­der.
  • 4 peo­ple go into a room — Schumer, McConnell, Hakeem Jef­fries and Mike John­son. Mike John­son is hold­ing the purse. Noth­ing hap­pens until Mike agrees Mike John­son strikes a deal with Demos for a short term fund­ing exten­sion to avoid a gov­ern­ment shut­down on Fri­day There is a deal.
  • Today is crossover day at the GA Gold Dome. Bills that the House wants to pass are sent to the Sen­ate and visa ver­sa. The House has 65 bills they are pass­ing over.
  • Illi­nois is boot­ing Trump from the bal­lot.
  • Mitch McConnell is step­ping down in Novem­ber. This is the day after he strikes a deal with Mike John­son and Schumer. John Thune is num­ber 2, Thune endorsed Trump just a cou­ple of days ago. The Fed­er­al­ist has a list of Mitchs fail­ures.
  • Remem­ber they are all in on End­ing Trump. Mitch McConnell is out, what is real­ly behind it?

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