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Democrats Are Nervous They Are Losing The Narrative

  • While they are wor­ried about repro­duc­tive health for women, you might want to think about Rus­sia being the largest nuclear threat in the world and Putin has been re-elect­ed for six years, some­one has to deal with him. Remem­ber he was sup­posed to die in those fake reports. If they are going to go the dis­tance on HB986 on deep fakes, what about the AJC deep fakes and the deep fakes of the Mock­ing­bird Media. Putin has said that if NATO troops are put in Ukraine, it will be WW3.
  • Con­tact your law­mak­ers on HB986. Once the law­mak­ers open the door they will read­just the bills when you arent look­ing. Remem­ber a bill that cracks a door open, some­one comes along and kicks it wide open.
  • Cal­i­for­nia is still count­ing bal­lots two weeks after the elec­tion… They blame mail-in vot­ing for the delay in the pri­ma­ry. The vision of things to come in Novem­ber. They will end up steal­ing Cal­i­for­nia, but if it were hon­est repub­li­cans could win Cal­i­for­nia.
  • They are ner­vous about the Sen­ate race in CA. They know that WV is going to be repub­li­can and they are wor­ried that OH will go repub­li­can.
  • Ex-Trump aide Peter Navar­ro reports to prison in Mia­mi over the J6 alle­ga­tions. Liz Chaney sup­pressed evi­dence scan­dal exon­er­ates Trump from Insur­rec­tion nar­ra­tive, she is not in prison. The whole J6 select com­mit­tee was a polit­i­cal staged pro­duc­tion event. Nan­cy Pelosi is not in prison. The Ash­li Bab­bitt mur­der­er is not in prison. Cas­sidy Hutchen­son is not in prison for lying. If you dont com­ply with the gov­ern­ment you go to prison, but if you go along with the gov­ern­ment, its pol­i­tics. Jor­dan Fuchs record­ed the alleged­ly ille­gal phone call and she is not in jail. They can make up, lie, pro­duce, cheat and do any­thing they way they dont go to jail but if we push back you go to jail. Peter refused to com­ply with a Con­gres­sion­al sub­poe­na.
  • The Media is pro­duc­ing Joe Bidens cam­paign. Biden “barn­storm­ing the mid­West. Now he is tak­ing a swing through the South­west.

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