Need To Watch SB358, It Has Been Stripped
- Revenue dropped 4% and the planning and budget director is very concerned in GA. The budget has exploded in GA and it is something to be concerned about.
- Need to watch SB358.
- Gov Kemp spends words on what he will sign and will not sign.
- Now the Senate has their bills that they received from the house house and the house has their senate bills. They will gut a bill and send it back and it has nothing to do with the original bill.
- The GA legislative body (House, Senate, Gov). The only place that conservatives live in the GA legislature is in the Senate and it is on life support. Conservatism is definitely not under Jon Burns and especially with Terry England, his chief of staff or with Brian Kemp, Marty and the girls. The staff creates an illusion that Kemp is a conservative. Kemp keeps pulling things out of his sleeve to make it look like he is conservative.
- BKP asked Steve Gooch if the State Board of Election had the authority to investigate Brad Raffensperger. He said yes
- Remember Joe Rossi. He went to the Board of Election meeting and he asked for Brad Raffensperger to open an investigation. Then Mashburn went into the long speech that he didnt believe the board had the right or authority to investigate Raffensperger’s office. But what they said they would do is send a letter asking for clarification from the legislative body for the right to investigate the SOS office. Joe Rossi continued to put pressure on Mashburn to send a letter. The letter was sent January 11, 2024. It took nearly a month to be sent.
- SB358 passed the senate. Relating to the SEB as to remove the SOS from the board. Authorize the board to investigate the SOS, provide hiring investigators. It also said that Raffenperger had to participate in the investigation.
- The house took the bill, they stripped it out and the only thing that resembles the original bill is the title. Why would the house Jon Burns and Terry England and completely take the power from the SEB to investigate. But the reason why it was rewritten is because the GOV office did not agree with the change from a constitutional perspective. Kemp told them he wouldn’t sign it. If the courts knock it down, if the courts say that Brad Raffensperger is a constitutional officer and only the AG has the authority to remove. Could Brian Kemp not do one thing that the grassroots the people of GA would like to have happen. It wouldnt bother the people of GA to investigate the Secretary of State’s office. Why would Brian Kemp not allow his signature to investigate the SOS office? Could it be that Brian Kemp was SOS. Could it be that if he signs a bill that would investigate the office that it would touch on something that would be exposed when he was SOS.
- SB358 has been sent back to the senate. We need to call Burt Jones and Steve Gooch to put the original SB358 back in and force an up and down vote in the house and put them on record. The house doesnt want to vote on it. Then we will dare Kemp not to sign it.