Home / Georgia / Need To Watch SB358, It Has Been Stripped

Need To Watch SB358, It Has Been Stripped

  • Rev­enue dropped 4% and the plan­ning and bud­get direc­tor is very con­cerned in GA. The bud­get has explod­ed in GA and it is some­thing to be con­cerned about.
  • Need to watch SB358.
  • Gov Kemp spends words on what he will sign and will not sign.
  • Now the Sen­ate has their bills that they received from the house house and the house has their sen­ate bills. They will gut a bill and send it back and it has noth­ing to do with the orig­i­nal bill.
  • The GA leg­isla­tive body (House, Sen­ate, Gov). The only place that con­ser­v­a­tives live in the GA leg­is­la­ture is in the Sen­ate and it is on life sup­port. Con­ser­vatism is def­i­nite­ly not under Jon Burns and espe­cial­ly with Ter­ry Eng­land, his chief of staff or with Bri­an Kemp, Mar­ty and the girls. The staff cre­ates an illu­sion that Kemp is a con­ser­v­a­tive. Kemp keeps pulling things out of his sleeve to make it look like he is con­ser­v­a­tive.
  • BKP asked Steve Gooch if the State Board of Elec­tion had the author­i­ty to inves­ti­gate Brad Raf­fensperg­er. He said yes
  • Remem­ber Joe Rossi. He went to the Board of Elec­tion meet­ing and he asked for Brad Raf­fensperg­er to open an inves­ti­ga­tion. Then Mash­burn went into the long speech that he did­nt believe the board had the right or author­i­ty to inves­ti­gate Raf­fensperg­er’s office. But what they said they would do is send a let­ter ask­ing for clar­i­fi­ca­tion from the leg­isla­tive body for the right to inves­ti­gate the SOS office. Joe Rossi con­tin­ued to put pres­sure on Mash­burn to send a let­ter. The let­ter was sent Jan­u­ary 11, 2024. It took near­ly a month to be sent.
  • SB358 passed the sen­ate. Relat­ing to the SEB as to remove the SOS from the board. Autho­rize the board to inves­ti­gate the SOS, pro­vide hir­ing inves­ti­ga­tors. It also said that Raf­fen­perg­er had to par­tic­i­pate in the inves­ti­ga­tion.
  • The house took the bill, they stripped it out and the only thing that resem­bles the orig­i­nal bill is the title. Why would the house Jon Burns and Ter­ry Eng­land and com­plete­ly take the pow­er from the SEB to inves­ti­gate. But the rea­son why it was rewrit­ten is because the GOV office did not agree with the change from a con­sti­tu­tion­al per­spec­tive. Kemp told them he would­n’t sign it. If the courts knock it down, if the courts say that Brad Raf­fensperg­er is a con­sti­tu­tion­al offi­cer and only the AG has the author­i­ty to remove. Could Bri­an Kemp not do one thing that the grass­roots the peo­ple of GA would like to have hap­pen. It would­nt both­er the peo­ple of GA to inves­ti­gate the Sec­re­tary of State’s office. Why would Bri­an Kemp not allow his sig­na­ture to inves­ti­gate the SOS office? Could it be that Bri­an Kemp was SOS. Could it be that if he signs a bill that would inves­ti­gate the office that it would touch on some­thing that would be exposed when he was SOS.
  • SB358 has been sent back to the sen­ate. We need to call Burt Jones and Steve Gooch to put the orig­i­nal SB358 back in and force an up and down vote in the house and put them on record. The house does­nt want to vote on it. Then we will dare Kemp not to sign it.

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