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The Ronna NBC Set Up

  • It is all a set up. It is man­u­fac­tured out­rage. Ron­na has been hired by NBC, the for­mer RNC chair.
  • Mol­lie: Chuck Todd, a dan­ger­ous pro­pa­gan­dist who has pushed the Rus­sia col­lu­sion lie for years, trash­es his employ­er and warns about gaslight­ing and cred­i­bil­i­ty because NBC which employs demo­c­rat activists Jen Psa­ki and Kris­ten Welk­er, etc, hired a sin­gle repub­li­can.
  • Trump is the nom­i­nee. And the deep state is still stuck on the 2020 elec­tion. If every­thing was true that they report, Trump would be polling low. They want you to believe that they are shocked that Ron­na was hired by NBC. They want you to believe the inter­view was set up before she left the RNC chair.
  • Ron­na is not hap­py about being pushed out of the RNC. The con­ven­tion in July Trump has to make it through to be the nom­i­nee.
  • Why is the deep state con­tin­u­ing to try to prove the point that the 2020 elec­tion was legit­i­mate.
  • This is a set up for the 2024 elec­tion bring­ing Ron­na in. They are mak­ing every move to steal an elec­tion. They are mak­ing moves to stop Trump.
  • NBC want­ed to make a deal and do all they could to take down Trump. They would nev­er do any­thing to have a bal­anced view.
  • Man­u­fac­tured out­rage.
  • Ron­na mcdaniel rep­re­sents the Nik­ki Haley vote. She rep­re­sents the vote they need to sup­press on the demo­c­rat side. Ron­na could be the back door to the RNC. She could pro­vide them with infor­ma­tion. One would have to ask them­selves why she did­nt go to FOX. The uni­par­ty Karl Rove and the rest go to FOX. She did­nt go to FOX. Does Ron­na have a back­end to the RNC that she could give to NBC, the Deep State, Oba­ma. There is some­thing about her going to NBC and not FOX news. Ron­na knows things on the back­end of the RNC that may be of help to democ­rats for 2024.

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