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American People Know About The Democrat Witch Hunt

  • Why the out­rage at the net­work that NBC signed the con­tract with Ron­na McDaniel.
  • $464 M for Trump in Leti­tia James bond. Today is the dead­line for the bail mon­ey for the vic­tim­less NY case. Today Trump will be at the hear­ing for the hush mon­ey case. Trump is dar­ing them to take his build­ings. If they even make a move to take his prop­er­ties, his polling num­bers will sky­rock­et.
  • Top repub­li­can poll­ster Frank Luntz warns NY AG Leti­tia James that if she starts seiz­ing Trumps prop­er­ty say­ing that she will cre­ate the great­est vic­tim­hood of 2024 and elect Don­ald Trump.
  • Don­ald should have col­lapsed as a can­di­date with E Jean Car­roll rul­ing. This is the most hat­ed can­di­date in Amer­i­can his­to­ry. But every­thing they have thrown at him he should have col­lapsed. It is democ­rats that dont like Biden, its democ­rats that want rid of their can­di­date. It was democ­rats that were not allowed a debate. The Amer­i­can peo­ple believe that Trump real­ly won in 2020. The Amer­i­can peo­ple feel that this is a total witch hunt. The Amer­i­can peo­ple are con­cerned about sav­ing democ­ra­cy as they call it but not from Don­ald Trump. Gallup poll finds that the Democ­rats lead with black and His­pan­ic vot­ers has shrunk by 20 points since 2021 and seems set to shrink fur­ther, for it is over­whelm­ing­ly younger minor­i­ty vot­ers who are desert­ing the par­ty. Non­white vot­ers have desert­ed the democ­rats. In 2020 Biden was 50 points ahead with minori­ties. Today his lead has fall­en to 12 points. All the sur­veys tell a sim­i­lar sto­ry.
  • With every­thing that they have put on Don­ald Trump the Amer­i­can peo­ple should be against him and for Joe Biden if they did­nt believe it was a witch hunt.
  • Mex­i­co is the ene­my. They want you to believe that the democ­rats gave you the most secure bor­der bill since ronald rea­gan and the repub­li­cans turned it down. In the deal if you were to stop the influx of ille­gals, of fen­tanyl then you would be hurt­ing a multi­bil­lion dol­lar indus­try then who is going to bail it out. Who is going to pro­vide for the lost rev­enue of the car­tels and the ille­gal groups that get paid to trans­fer these peo­ple to our bor­der. What if you reach the num­ber in the max the democ­rats have said can come across, Mex­i­co said you cant do that unless Mex­i­co is cur­rent­ly the ene­my of the USA.
  • Repub­li­can major­i­ty. Mike Gal­lagher will resign ear­ly leav­ing the House major­i­ty hang­ing by a thread Ken Buck left fri­day. Why are they leav­ing before retirement/election? When Gal­lagher leaves, the major­i­ty would fur­ther shrink to 217–213 mean­ing repub­li­cans could only afford a sin­gle defec­tion on any vote if Democ­rats vote togeth­er. MTG files motion to remove Speak­er Mike John­son, then imme­di­ate­ly sends out text mes­sages ask­ing for mon­ey. This was used as a fundrais­ing cam­paign. Con­gress is on break for 2 weeks. This is a polit­i­cal stunt, no one is back­ing her on her motion to vacate. She is still cov­er­ing for Kevin McCarthy.
  • It is very pos­si­ble that the repub­li­cans will lose the house major­i­ty before the elec­tion. If democ­rats con­trol the house on Jan 3 and on Jan 6 and the democ­rats have con­trol and if Trump is allowed to be sworn in on Jan 20. Democ­rats will start an impeach­ment on Jan 21.
  • They passed the $1.2T, MTG is fundrais­ing off of the motion to vacate. McCarthy is attack­ing Gaetz by ask­ing McCarthy to do some­thing ille­gal. It is get­ting hard­er to under­stand who wants the best for this coun­try.

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