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Who Do You Trust? Was the CIA Involved? US warned Russia

  • We have the spice girls. MTG and Ron­na. Ron­na being a paid con­trib­u­tor to NBC and MTG motion to vacate.
  • Ter­ror­ist attack in Rus­sia.
  • Some­thing is deeply wrong with Holy week and the last week of the GA leg­isla­tive ses­sion being the same week. We have a lot we have to pay atten­tion to this week that we have to be aware of that they are push­ing through in Geor­gia.
  • Major alert as Putin fires Russ­ian cruise mis­sile over NATO ter­ri­to­ry for 39 sec­onds spark­ing grow­ing con­cern over esca­la­tion of Ukraine war. Rus­sia fired a mis­sile into Ukraine that flew over Poland air space for 39 sec­onds, NATO air space. When does WW3 actu­al­ly start? We have all this infor­ma­tion out there. Was the CIA involved? Putin sug­gests Ukraine was involved in the Moscow ter­ror attack. The US says ISIS is behind the Moscow ter­ror attack.
  • Who do you trust? The US warned Rus­sia about the ter­ror threat ear­li­er in March. ISIS has claimed the attack and the US has con­firmed it. The US gave a State Depart­ment warn­ing not to go around the­aters in advance. Our gov­ern­ment already con­firms that it is ISIS and it is not any­thing tied to Ukraine. These are the same peo­ple in our dis­as­trous with­draw­al from Afghanistan. We have the intel­li­gence that it was ISIS‑K. Dont for­get the 13 Amer­i­cans plus all the oth­ers that were killed. Dont for­get we have the intel­li­gence and we had the bomber that day in our sights and could­nt get the con­fir­ma­tion to take him out. Our gov­ern­ment allowed the 13 Amer­i­cans to be killed. We imme­di­ate­ly got the intel­li­gence that ISIS K was involved. And we bombed a van to get the retal­i­a­tion that had chil­dren in it.
  • What is the truth here? Who is telling it?
  • $464 Mil­lion bond for Trump in NY. The dead­line is today.
  • Murkows­ki is leav­ing the repub­li­can par­ty. We thought she left long ago.
  • Chica­go elec­tion offi­cials find 10K miss­ing bal­lots in the Demo­c­rat pri­ma­ry race for DA with 4800 votes sep­a­rat­ing the can­di­dates. How do we have a vot­ing sys­tem where we just find these bal­lots?

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