Home / Georgia / Democrat Cities are Broke and are Collapsing

Democrat Cities are Broke and are Collapsing

  • The boat has back­up engines, back­up gen­er­a­tors, back safe­ty some­thing is not adding up.
  • At the same time the FBI was cor­rect­ly called out in a com­mu­ni­ty note for lying about its uncon­sti­tu­tion­al war­rant­less sur­veil­lance of Amer­i­cans. Reau­tho­riz­ing FISA Sec­tion 702 gives our intel­li­gence agen­cies the author­i­ty to col­lect com­mu­ni­ca­tion of for­eign pow­ers and agents of for­eign pow­ers locat­ed out­side of the US spy­ing on Amer­i­cans has been reau­tho­rized.
  • Ille­gal migrant is charged with rap­ing men­tal­ly inca­pac­i­tat­ed 14 yo girl in AL. in AL they can only talk about a demo­c­rat flip­ping repub­li­can seat over abor­tion.
  • Kamala Har­ris has an undis­closed lunch with JP Mor­gan chief Jamie Dimon at White House Maybe they had lunch to dis­cuss her exit plan.
  • Every demo­c­rat city is broke. Hous­ton may­or reveals the TX city is broke after decades of over­spend­ing thats left it with a $160M deficit and has stopped them from even being able to pay fire­fight­ers. Hous­tons cash flow prob­lem is so severe some fire­fight­ers are still wait­ing to be made whole on pen­sions and back­pay.
  • Chica­gos ille­gal cri­sis: May­or Bran­don John­son refus­es to admit how much the city is pay­ing for its 27 shel­ters as report shows almost $1M a week is being spent on just 3 hotels.
  • NYC begins hand­ing out to ille­gals tax­pay­er fund­ed pre­paid deb­it cards at Roo­sevelt Hotel shel­ter with 450 peo­ple set to begin receiv­ing up to $18200 a year pay­out by the end of this week.
  • Amer­i­ca is broke. They are col­laps­ing. There is prob­a­bly some sort of bail out in the works. They got a life­line dur­ing COVID.
  • NSF (nation­al sci­ence foun­da­tion) paid uni­ver­si­ties to devel­op AI cen­sor­ship tools for social media. Used by the gov­ern­ment and big tech to shape the pub­lic opin­ion by restrict­ing cer­tain view­points and pro­mot­ing oth­ers. Won­der if this has to do with the Tik­Tok noise.

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