Home / Georgia / Is Every lawmaker in fear that they will lose their 30 pieces of silver?

Is Every lawmaker in fear that they will lose their 30 pieces of silver?

  • MSM is los­ing it because Trump is sell­ing the Lee Green­wood Bible.
  • Tomor­row will be Sine Die
  • It is Holy week and it seems fit­ting that on Wednes­day Judas betrays Jesus for 30 pieces of sil­ver That would be today.
  • All in on sports bet­ting in the final days of the ses­sion.
  • GA sen­ate pass­es $36B bud­get with rais­es begins House nego­ti­a­tions. No one wants to talk about the spend­ing of peo­ple’s mon­ey. Nev­er say these peo­ple in Atlanta are con­ser­v­a­tive. What they are doing in Atlanta, they call them­selves repub­li­cans. The state spend­ing has grown from about $26.6 B in fis­cal 2020, the last bud­get plan approved before the COVID19 pan­dem­ic hit. As tax col­lec­tions “flowed in dur­ing the eco­nom­ic uptick that fol­lowed bull­shit. It flowed in from the print­ing of mon­ey in DC. We cant get an inves­ti­ga­tion on the SOS office and our AG is use­less. Every law­mak­er is in fear that they will lose their 30 pieces of sil­ver.
  • Law­mak­ers run from inves­ti­gat­ing the SOS, but they want to pass gun safety/registration, afford­able hous­ing, just wait they will be look­ing for peo­ple to house the ille­gals.
  • They mask the increased bud­get by giv­ing rais­es so no one will see that lob­by­ists are get­ting their spe­cial projects like elec­tric school bus­es. They are divvy­ing up the mon­ey like a bank rob­bery.
  • SB358 to amend the code to remove the SOS from the board to allow the inves­ti­ga­tion of the SOS Brad Raf­fensperg­er. This bill had all the inten­tions of a thor­ough inves­ti­ga­tion of the SOS and Brad Raf­fensperg­er and demand­ed the SOS coop­er­ate with the inves­ti­ga­tion now this lan­guage is gone. We all know the Board of Elec­tions has all the pow­er to inves­ti­gate the SOS but they pulled a fast one send­ing a let­ter to the leg­isla­tive to ask for clar­i­fi­ca­tion. Won­der what POS showed up to remove the lan­guage. We cant look at Jack Shit when it comes to elec­tions in the state of GA.
  • Bri­an Kemp said NO dont send the bill to my desk.
  • Some­body tell the damn truth.
  • They want you to believe they are doing all these great things but it is to cov­er up the GA receiv­ing $60M in EPA grant fund­ing for clean ener­gy bus­es. Blue­bird All Elec­tric School Bus­es Blue Bird opens an elec­tric school bus fac­to­ry to build 5,000 bus­es per year. Not even a year ago, how did they know to do this expan­sion Where are the EV school bus orders? The cor­rup­tion is so far out there, how do they know?
  • Every­time the gov­ern­ment sends you one dol­lar you have to have State sup­ple­ments. How do they not make the front page say you are putting more mon­ey into edu­ca­tion and give the teach­ers a raise.
  • More than $200M extra would go to school dis­tricts to pay for trans­port­ing chil­dren to school some­thing local offi­cials have request­ed for years and more than $100M would go to schools for secu­ri­ty upgrades though mon­ey went to schools for trans­porta­tion through SPLOST mon­ey, then why are they putting anoth­er $200M in trans­porta­tion could it mean that EVs cost an enor­mous amount of mon­ey.
  • The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is going to pay for every sin­gle dime for the col­lapse of the bridge. What about the com­pa­ny pay for it?

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