Home / National / Stories Watching: Bridge Falling Down, RNC Chair at NBC, Finding Ballots

Stories Watching: Bridge Falling Down, RNC Chair at NBC, Finding Ballots

  • What is the fear of look­ing into the sec­re­tary of state’s office? Could the fear of the con­nec­tions go back as far back to when Bri­an Kemp was SOS maybe.
  • Remem­ber when Rus­sia is the rea­son why we are pay­ing $3.50 a gal­lon for gas Now the bridge falling down is going to inter­rupt the sup­ply chain.
  • NBC sen­sa­tion­al­ly fires RNC chair Ron­na McDaniel just days after she was hired in a $300K a year deal fol­low­ing news­room mutiny from her work col­leagues. Why does the for­mer RNC Chair want to join cor­rupt cor­po­rate media con­nect the dots You want me to believe that NBC hired Ron­na with­out the news­room know­ing. Were they just going to put her name on a list? We are going to lay low on this to see what will devel­op. This sto­ry is set up and wait­ing for a devel­op­ment.
  • Whats next for Nik­ki Haley? Is the top­ic this morn­ing. Can Trump win over Nik­ki Haleys sup­port­ers?
  • Wells Far­go, BOA, Cit­i­zens and Chase among US banks that filed to shut 16 branch­es in just one week. Watch every time they close these branch­es strate­gi­cal­ly across the coun­try. Watch for Dig­i­tal Cur­ren­cy. They will end up know­ing every dime you have and where it goes. The need for the branch bank will be no longer.
  • Chica­go announces the exis­tence of an addi­tion­al 9K mail in bal­lots that were mis­tak­en­ly not men­tioned until now. Many if not most of the bal­lots are from drop­box­es, mean­ing post­marks are not required. Just 4000 votes total now sep­a­rate the 2 can­di­dates in the attor­ney Gen­er­al race. So did the oppo­nent call to say hey can you find me more bal­lots Find­ing bal­lots with­out post­mark.
  • NYC begins hand­ing out migrant tax­pay­er fund­ing pre­paid deb­it cards at Roo­sevelt Hotel shel­ter with 450 peo­ple set to begin receiv­ing up to $18200 a year pay­out by the end of this week. Offi­cials began dis­trib­ut­ing the cards to the first 10 new arrivals at the citys Roo­sevelt Hotel shel­ter on Mon­day. The cards will give a fam­i­ly of 4 with 2 kids up to $350 a week.
  • Chica­go migrant cri­sis coverup. May­or refus­es to admit how much the city is pay­ing for its 27 shel­ters. Report shows almost $1M a week is being spent on just 3 hotels.
  • Feb­ru­ary Data shows a new record high for Bidens bor­der inva­sion.
  • They have to bring the talk back to abor­tion demo­c­rat wins AL spe­cial elec­tion in ear­ly test for IVF as a cam­paign issue.

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