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Patriots Must Attend Columbus Convention-It’s For the Kids

Numbers Make All the Difference

I keep hear­ing that good peo­ple are throw­ing up their hands and decid­ing not to go to the Colum­bus Repub­li­can Con­ven­tion. They find it so dis­taste­ful to be around the kinds of peo­ple I com­mon­ly write about, and who have wrest­ed con­trol of the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty.


The con­ven­tion is a num­bers game. Thats it. If you do not attend, you are hand­ing the par­ty over to those whom you dis­trust. That means you have to go!! They want a small turnout. Dis­ap­point them BIG TIME!

I get asked this ques­tion all the time, What can I do to help save our coun­try? Well, in this case, the answer is sim­ply, SHOW UP AND VOTE. I heard this say­ing years ago, before I real­ly under­stood what it meant, that HALF OF LIFE IS JUST SHOWING UP. That is so true. If you do not show up, you can­not help to make the changes you see are so need­ed, not just for you, but for your kids and their kids. This coun­try is going to Hell. And if you stand by and do not show up when you had the chance, some­day you may very well look at your kids and grand kids, see what kind of world they are hav­ing to grow up in, and won­der whether you did every­thing you could do to make it bet­ter for them. Sat­ur­day, you have a chance to show up and have your voice heard. I do not spend all the time it takes to inform you just so that you can sit at your com­put­er and say, Wow, look at that. I do it to moti­vate you to act. And now is the time.

So, let me say this as polite­ly as I can, if you are a del­e­gate or an alter­nate, get off your A$$ and be in Colum­bus on Sat­ur­day. Patri­ots need your voice! Your kids need your voice. Get up ear­ly and dri­ve. Then dri­ve home late if nec­es­sary. If you are in Geor­gia, you are not that far away. I will look for­ward to see­ing you there.

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