Home / Georgia / Brian Pritchard Remains First Vice-Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party

Brian Pritchard Remains First Vice-Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party

Pritchard Has Never Been Duly Remove from Office

Regard­less what you may have heard or present­ly believe, Bri­an Pritchard is still the First Vice Chair­man of the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty. And that con­clu­sion even assumes that the Inc thing is not a fac­tor. There are many rea­sons for me to say that.

Count #1‑McKoon No Authority to Call the May 10 State Committee Meeting

On April 5, 2024, Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty Chair­man Josh McK­oon sent out a call for the State Com­mit­tee to meet. He did that with­out the req­ui­site author­i­ty to exe­cute the call in the first place. And he did so with­out an agen­da, void­ing the call even more. Accord­ing to Rule 4.1A below, a writ­ten call notice must be accom­pa­nied by an agen­da.

There is a rea­son for requir­ing an agen­da. One can­not call a meet­ing with­out let­ting the par­tic­i­pants under­stand why the meet­ing is called. Thats the first thing. But even more so, accord­ing to Rule 3.1, while the State Com­mit­tee or State Con­ven­tion is not in ses­sion, all author­i­ty to con­duct the affairs of the GRP is vest­ed, not in the par­ty Chair­man, but with the State Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee.

The Chair­man has no author­i­ty to call a meet­ing of the State Com­mit­tee, or to for­mu­late an agen­da for a meet­ing of the State Com­mit­tee all by his lone­some because Rule 5.1 only gives him the pow­er to exe­cute the call when the Rules pro­vide, or when the State Con­ven­tion, the State Com­mit­tee or the State Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee REQUIRE him to. He has no author­i­ty to deter­mine when the needs of the GRP require a meet­ing of the State Com­mit­tee because only the State Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee has that juris­dic­tion (See 3.1 above). Only when there is an emer­gency, which the May 10 meet­ing did not rep­re­sent, does the par­ty chair­man have the author­i­ty to decide, sole­ly among him­self, when to call a State Com­mit­tee meet­ing.

But in this case, Josh McK­oon called the State Com­mit­tee to a meet­ing, all by him­self, and with no agen­da. It had no agen­da because pro­vid­ing the agen­da is the job of the State Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee.

Counts #2–50+ Josh McKoon Followed No Rules in Calling the State Committee

Next, on May 3, 2024, Josh McK­oon sent out an email to the State Com­mit­tee mem­bers. And in it he pro­vid­ed three doc­u­ments. The third doc­u­ment was a draft res­o­lu­tion for the State Com­mit­tee to con­sid­er for the upcom­ing meet­ing. McK­oon explained the res­o­lu­tion, Final­ly,SINCE OUR RULES DO NOT SPECIFY THE TRIAL PROCEDURES,I have pro­vid­ed a draft res­o­lu­tion for you to con­sid­er that out­lines how the tri­al may be con­duct­ed. That is where Josh McK­oon real­ly screwed up. SINCE OUR RULES DO NOT SPECIFY THE TRIAL PROCEDURES, Rule 11.3 requires that ROBERTS RULES TRIAL PROCEDURES BE FOLLOWED, not some ad hoc res­o­lu­tion McK­oon cob­bled togeth­er at the break­fast table.

Roberts Rules do not allow the Chair­man sim­ply to call a meet­ing to bring a mem­ber of the orga­ni­za­tion up on tri­al. Roberts Rules do not allow the Chair­man to come up with his own res­o­lu­tion and pro­pose it to the State Com­mit­tee. Under Roberts Rules there are method­i­cal pro­ce­dures,WHICH MUST BE FOLLOWED, to even­tu­al­ly hold a tri­al of a mem­ber of an orga­ni­za­tion or soci­ety.

As you see, first, an inves­tiga­tive com­mit­tee must be formed. Indi­vid­u­als must be select­ed for that com­mit­tee. The com­mit­tee must con­vene and can­not do so with­out prop­er notice. Then an inves­ti­ga­tion must be per­formed. Once again, the com­mit­tee must meet. Every­one must have input. Per­haps they would meet numer­ous times. Ulti­mate­ly, to get to the next step, the com­mit­tee must write a report and attach it to a res­o­lu­tion along with advice to the gov­ern­ing com­mit­tee on how to treat the prob­lem. In this case, the State Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee would be the gov­ern­ing com­mit­tee, to either move toward a tri­al, or table the ques­tion, or quash the effort. What I describe is writ­ten in sec­tion 63.7 of Roberts Rules. And at each step along the way, there are bumps in the road requir­ing those involved in the process to under­take due process. No com­mit­tee chair­man has suf­fi­cient author­i­ty to throw the ques­tion on his back and decide these things uni­lat­er­al­ly. No par­ty chair­man has author­i­ty to bypass any step along the way and decide mat­ters unto him­self.

But that is what Josh McK­oon did. Accord­ing to Roberts Rules, notice the steps to which I referMUST BE FOLLOWED.So there is no lat­i­tude in the rules gov­ern­ing a tri­al. But in this case, Josh McK­oon essen­tial­ly put togeth­er a posse, head­ed out on horse­back, got Bri­an Pritchard to turn him­self in and they hanged his a$$ vig­i­lante style! But you see, Josh McK­oon did­nt have time to do this accord­ing to the rules. We heard from two of three wit­ness­es who tes­ti­fied that, way back in Jan­u­ary, 8th Dis­trict Chair­man Chan Jones told them there was a plot to take out both Bri­an Pritchard and Sec­ond Vice Chair­man David Cross, alleged­ly in Jones terms, BEFORE THE CONVENTION. Josh McK­oon did not have time to con­vene the State Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee to start a tru­ly demo­c­ra­t­ic process that would pro­tect the rights of an inno­cent vic­tim. No, time was a wastin, he had to git­ter­done!

Pritchard Never Removed from Office

So what does all this mean ? It means that Bri­an Pritchard was nev­er removed from office. Bri­an Pritchard is still the First Vice Chair­man of the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty. Yes, thats right. To remove him from office, it has to be done ACCORDING TO THE RULES. Josh McK­oon DESTROYED the rules on his way to a RUSH TO JUDGMENT. That is how tyrants work. They go faster than the pub­lic can keep up with because they know the rules and how to bend them, expect­ing that nobody reads the rules any­way. Well, some of us do read the rules. And Josh McK­oon did­nt just break a lit­tle rule. McK­oon broke those BIG rules. He made up HIS OWN RULES. And as I say, that is what tyrants do. They do not care what the rules require. They do not care whether any­ones so-called rights are tram­pled. They are going to do what the Hell the want to do and dare any­one to stop them.

Well, if any­one would like to stop Josh McK­oon from his present course of destroy­ing the last ves­tiges of demo­c­ra­t­ic process­es in the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty, and if you are on the State Com­mit­tee, I have done the work for you. I have writ­ten the res­o­lu­tion to stop all this. All you have to do is take it and present it tomor­row at the State Com­mit­tee meet­ing in Colum­bus and gain the vote of 50%+1 of the votes rep­re­sent­ed. Maybe ban togeth­er with oth­er free­dom fight­ers and each read one of the where­ass. Oth­er than that, Josh McK­oon will con­tin­ue to buf­fa­lo grass roots Repub­li­cans into sub­mis­sion and run the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty into the ground. You may not win, but your mom­ma will cer­tain­ly be proud of you. I encour­age any­one who will be at the meet­ing to walk in with this res­o­lu­tion and dare them to turn it down. Here you go:

Res­o­lu­tion Regard­ing May 10 2024 Assem­bly of the GRP State Com­mit­tee

  • Where­as, on May 3, 2024, Chair­man McK­oon emailed a notice to all State Com­mit­tee mem­bers advis­ing that a tri­al requir­ing their pres­ence would be held at a giv­en time and place on May 10, 2024; and
  • Where­as, in the notice of May 3rd, Chair­man McK­oon wrote, sinceour Rules do not spec­i­fy the tri­al pro­ce­dures, I have pre­pared a draft res­o­lu­tion for you to con­sid­er that out­lines how the tri­al may be con­duct­ed; and
  • Where­as Chair­man McK­oons May 3rdnotice to State Com­mit­tee mem­bers includ­ed a draft res­o­lu­tion spec­i­fy­ing said pro­posed tri­al pro­ce­dures; and
  • Where­as, GRP Rule 11.3 requires all State Com­mit­tee meet­ings to fol­low Roberts Rules of Order unless mod­i­fied by the Rules of the Par­ty; and
  • Where­as GRP Rules do not spec­i­fy tri­al pro­ce­dures; and
  • Where­as, Roberts Rules (63:7) pro­vide steps that must be fol­lowed in the absence of GRP Rules for the con­duct of a tri­al; and
  • Where­as, numer­ous mate­r­i­al steps required by Roberts Rules for the con­duct of a tri­al were not pro­vid­ed in Chair­man McK­oons May 3rddraft res­o­lu­tion of pro­posed tri­al pro­ce­dures; and
  • Where­as, those steps required by Roberts Rules of Order for the con­duct of a tri­al were not fol­lowed in either the lead-up to the tri­al, or the tri­al itself; and
  • Where­as, the steps required by Roberts Rules of Order for the con­duct of a tri­al, not fol­lowed include:
  1. a con­fi­den­tial inves­ti­ga­tion by a com­mit­tee duly-appoint­ed to inves­ti­gate any charges against the tri­al accused, whose mem­bers are select­ed for known integri­ty and good judg­ment, the inves­ti­ga­tion com­mit­tees delib­er­a­tions also con­duct­ed accord­ing to Roberts Rules; and
  2. the gen­er­a­tion of a report from the inves­ti­ga­tion com­mit­tee, signed by every com­mit­tee mem­ber who agrees, out­lin­ing the course of the com­mit­tee inves­ti­ga­tion and rec­om­mend­ing in the report the adop­tion of res­o­lu­tions pre­fer­ring charges, and arrang­ing for a tri­al, duly deliv­ered to the gov­ern­ing body, and
  3. for­mal notice to the accused of the duly-adopt­ed res­o­lu­tion by the gov­ern­ing body order­ing a tri­al before the body gov­ern­ing the removal of offi­cers fol­low­ing Roberts Rules 63:28,
  • And where­as, con­duct­ing a tri­al out­side of GRP Rules and Roberts Rules is not autho­rized,


  • The May 3rdnotice to State Com­mit­tee mem­bers by Chair­man McK­oon was out of order.
  • The May 10thassem­bly of the State Com­mit­tee, con­sti­tut­ed in mate­r­i­al error of GRP Rules, and mate­r­i­al error of Roberts Rules of Order, and was out of order.
  • All pro­ceed­ings, all tri­als, con­duct­ed or res­o­lu­tions offered dur­ing the assem­bly of the State Com­mit­tee on May 10th, were exe­cute against the Rules of GRP and Roberts Rules and found to be out of order.
  • All con­clu­sions, ver­dicts, sen­tences, removals from office, and any mat­ters result­ing from the assem­bly of the State Com­mit­tee on May 10thare of no sub­stance, null and void.
  • All video, audio, writ­ten or oth­er records of the unau­tho­rized State Com­mit­tee assem­bly on May 10, 2024 in Dorav­ille, GA., must be destroyed.
  • This the 16thday of May, 2024.

Regard­less what hap­pens tomor­row and this week­end, just know that Bri­an Pritchard remains the First Vice-Chair­man of the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty, as he has nev­er been duly removed.

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