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America First Are Now Isolationists

  • Mitch McConnell is retir­ing. We are being called iso­la­tion­ists. And the kids are protest­ing. And Amer­i­c­as car insur­ance cri­sis is get­ting worse. The cost of car insur­ance has surged by more than 50 per­cent since the begin­ning of 2021. And while they are telling you to be con­cerned about abor­tion. Mid­dle class Amer­i­cans don’t care what the charts say about infla­tion.
  • The only way to win the war in Ukraine is boots on the ground. The mon­ey that is being sent over there will not work. We are being attacked and told that we are iso­la­tion­ists. When it comes to pres­i­den­tial immu­ni­ty, Mitch McConnell says that he will sup­port the nom­i­nee. Mitch is a glob­al­ist; he is not Amer­i­ca first. The Amer­i­ca First agen­da is iso­la­tion­ists. So it is Tuck­er Carl­sons fault that reg­u­lar repub­li­can vot­ers but it is good that Mike John­son and oth­ers are pulling it back into the glob­al­ist lane.
  • Gov­ern­ment can col­lect tax off of pros­per­i­ty. But they cant spend into pros­per­i­ty. US aid cant buy troops: Ukrain­ian sol­dier says no one is will­ing to join the army. We are send­ing out the old mod­els and we have 38 states that are mak­ing the new mod­els. We have to make room for the 2025 mod­els. The mil­i­tary indus­tri­al com­plex is get­ting all this mon­ey. There was not one per­son on capi­tol hill that was wor­ried about the death of a Ukrain­ian for not get­ting this sup­port. They are wor­ried about not get­ting the mon­ey to the MIC.
  • The red region in Ukraine has been con­trolled by Rus­sia for some time. Rus­sia will main­tain that region and the only way to push back is to get boots on the ground. You can not send enough fire­pow­er to push the Rus­sians back.
  • Zelen­sky wants 10 more years of US fund­ing. Zelen­sky says he is work­ing on long term fund­ing. US aid cant buy troops. The US and UK are push­ing for total war on all fronts. Chi­na vows retal­i­a­tion against US bul­ly­ing. Bei­jing has stat­ed that leg­is­la­tion recent­ly enact­ed by Wash­ing­ton grave­ly infringes on its sov­er­eign­ty, Tik­Tok.
  • AstraZeneca admits its vac­cine could cause poten­tial­ly fatal side effects. Covid era hos­pi­tal report­ing set to end. Every­thing where you checked Covid no longer has the mon­ey that was tied to it.

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