Home / Shows / The GA GOP Inc Wants To Get Rid Of BKP & Brad Raffensperger Stays

The GA GOP Inc Wants To Get Rid Of BKP & Brad Raffensperger Stays

  • The GA GOP Inc, there are no mem­bers, they want to get rid of BKP but Brad Raf­fensperg­er gets to stay. Har­ri­son Floyd: HOw on earth can we demand elec­tion integri­ty from oth­ers if we accept vot­er fraud in our own lead­er­ship? Maybe you start with cen­sur­ing the repub­li­cans that allowed 147K mail in bal­lots to be count­ed with­out sig­na­ture ver­i­fi­ca­tion or focus­ing on engag­ing with minor­i­ty vot­ers ahead of the 2024 elec­tion.
  • It seems like just yes­ter­day we were dis­cussing fund­ing for Ukraine, fund­ing for Israel and fund­ing for the asian pacif­ic rim. We were dis­cussing the motion to vacate John­son. We had video and reports all over Eagle Pass and the bor­der was open.
  • Law enforce­ment killed serv­ing a war­rant in Char­lotte NC. Law enforce­ment take a back­seat to the col­lege protests. The protests are loaded with the LGBTQ group and if they were in Gaza they would be killed.
  • Infla­tion will be the top top­ic in the elec­tion.
  • Asso­ci­at­ed Press admits New Indict­ments are a cam­paign to deter GOP from ques­tion­ing elec­tion. It is elec­tion inter­fer­ence. How dare you ever be an elec­tor again. 18 AZ repub­li­cans indict­ed among the indictees is the new AZ com­mit­tee­man.
  • Gin­ger Howard has a cloth­ing com­pa­ny. Ron­na McDaniel is one of her cus­tomers. Gin­ger sells her cloth­ing at the con­ven­tion alleged­ly.
  • Kristie Noem is done. There is not a sto­ry that she can tell that can bring her back from this sto­ry of killing a pup­py. But, all of a sud­den the left is con­cerned about the killing of a dog but they are ok with killing a baby.

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