Home / All Star Political Panel / BKP Politics May 17, 2024

BKP Politics May 17, 2024

  • Why did Bri­an do the inter­view on Wednes­day? Con­ser­v­a­tive Grounds in North GA made the atlanta news and that is why.
  • Amer­i­ca is no longer the leader in so many cat­e­gories. The audi­ence remem­bers so many great things of when Amer­i­ca was the leader. After The War, WW2, our moms and dads came home and led the world in man­u­fac­tur­ing. The place was boom­ing. The mon­ey was in man­u­fac­tur­ing. Today we lead the world in polit­i­cal bull­shit. The amount of man­u­fac­tur­ing with tv, wash­ers, dry­ers, appli­ances inside your home; there is more mon­ey turn­ing the polit­i­cal indus­tri­al com­plex than all that com­bined. Polit­i­cal dra­ma spends bil­lions and bil­lions of dol­lars. The politi­cians want you to believe some­thing so they can rake in the mon­ey. When you are a politi­cian and your biggest income is when you cre­ate dra­ma and the peo­ple give you mon­ey.
  • Amer­i­cans have sat and watched the politi­cians erode our free­doms. Cam­paign finance reform will solve our prob­lems.
  • We dont just yell that the 2020 elec­tion was stolen, we have the evi­dence.


Seg 2

  • A recent EO is effect­ed on May 20, the Safer Com­mu­ni­ties Act. It requires all deal­ers sell­ing firearms must be licensed and back­ground check. There will be peo­ple out there test­ing peo­ple. You cant sell col­lec­tions. It’s one gun, one per­son. The alarm is that they are going to take their guns. The right to bear arms has noth­ing to do with hunt­ing. Our found­ing fathers gave us the right to fight back on an oppres­sive gov­ern­ment. The new nor­mal was cre­at­ed for our kids. The democ­rats and deep state play the long game.
  • The kids and cell phones.
  • AI is dan­ger­ous. When you have a prod­uct that has mem­o­ry capa­bil­i­ty that will pre­dict your next thought is dan­ger­ous. We already dont know what is true out there. The uni­ver­sal stipend will be hap­pen­ing real soon, because AI will be tak­ing our jobs. This is where the 15 minute city comes in and the ration of food.
  • Ron DeSan­tis signed leg­is­la­tion that bans wind tur­bines off­shore and reg­u­la­tions on gas pipelines. We all want to save the plant, no one wants it trashed. They want to go with the green deal with so many rules that are stop­ping the func­tion of Amer­i­cans. We are down to 216 coal pow­er plants. And Chi­na has 3092 plants. We dont have a boot or shoe facil­i­ty in Amer­i­ca.

Seg 3

  • Chi­na would work out the peace deal with Rus­sia and Ukraine. This week we watched Chi­na go to Europe and the EU and then Putin going to Chi­na. Deals are being worked out now. Rus­sia is walk­ing through Ukraine. Now you just passed $60B for what, where is it going? Chi­na is mak­ing deals to dump EVs all around the world. Biden is putting all these tar­iffs on Chi­na, but Chi­na is going to use the Free TRade deal with Mex­i­co and will cir­cum­vent the tar­iffs. Kuwait just brought on 2 of the largest oil refiner­ies in the world. Chi­na is cor­ner­ing coal, oil and min­er­als through­out the world. Black­rock is a key com­po­nent to this, they are fund­ing a lot of the projects and the prof­its are going back into politi­cians pock­ets.
  • Alvin Bragg put a case on steroids when every­one put the case in the file cab­i­net and now he has Trump tied up in court.
  • They did­nt close the bor­der, they removed the bor­der.
  • All you hear nowa­days is law­fare on the net­works instead of what is real­ly going on in the real news. Joe Biden is going to shut down the Hur tapes using his exec­u­tive pow­ers.
  • The Biden admin­is­tra­tion is in Ukraine putting togeth­er their elec­tion sys­tem right now.
  • There is some­one wrong with the pre-con­ven­tion nom­i­nee. They are on the stage with­out the par­ty offi­cial nom­i­nee. How can we have a debate with­out the par­ties nom­i­nate their can­di­date? Why before the con­ven­tion? What smoke screen are they going to cov­er up? And the democ­rats are talk­ing about can­cel­ing the con­ven­tion. Is there a case com­ing down from the Supreme Court, or the Hunter cas­es in June? The democ­rats think they have 4 Aces, what are the 4 Aces?
  • June 27 is the debate before the con­ven­tion. Does he have to go into the debate with you know­ing who the VP pick would be? Is there a VP that Trump would pick that would cause you to not vote for him? Is Trump using the debate to fig­ure out the demo­c­rat plan to pick his VP? The deep state is in big trou­ble. Remem­ber Oba­ma went to Joe he had to go and Jill said no. behind the scenes there is a major prob­lem for Joe to go to hos­pice. They are in a major mess. But some­where they have 4 aces.
  • There is a group of peo­ple that will not vote for Biden or Trump. They are look­ing for a place to go.
  • Win­ners and losers

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