Home / Georgia / BREAKING NEWS: Jason Thompson Close Ties To GA SOS Office

BREAKING NEWS: Jason Thompson Close Ties To GA SOS Office

  • At the RNC GA gets 3 votes. We are work­ing on replac­ing Gin­ger Howard and Jason Thomp­son this week­end. We have to work to remove Josh McK­oon.
  • All Truths will be revealed. There are a lot of truths that need to come out. There have been arti­cles by Bill Quinn, Whats Eat­ing Jason Thomp­son? Open GA reports Jasons wife has received mon­ey from the Sec­re­tary of States office totalling more than 200K. Jason Thomp­son has ties to Fani Willis, Brad Raf­fensperg­er and Domin­ion. Wife, Julianne Thomp­son, is list­ed as exec­u­tive assis­tant and a leg­isla­tive liai­son. There are sources that have a con­cern that she was involved in the Trump infa­mous call. There was a con­tract with the SOS office that did­nt fol­low the law. The HAVA reports Julianne Thomp­son was paid $100K. When Jason was asked about these reports he got aggres­sive. Julianne Thomp­son has a posi­tion with the GA GOP inc.
  • Did­nt we take action against BKP because of the appear­ance of things? What does this do for Jason Thomp­son? The very first post was on Mar 14. Pub­li­ca­tions posts are neg­a­tive about BKP. The Geor­gia Exam­in­er had been dis­solved in 2016. They have only been in exis­tence since March and have 51 fol­low­ers. WE have seen sim­i­lar names in attacks top fol­low­ers are Mar­ci McCarthy, Jason Thomp­son, Kan­diss Tay­lor and Deb­bie Doo­ley.
  • Many peo­ple across GA got the text mes­sage. There is a plan to remove BKP and David Cross pri­or to the State Con­ven­tion. The GRA-PAC seems to be the back­ing of the mes­sage. Is this anoth­er trick to try to harm the GRA-PAC? Grass­roots folks are in all these orga­ni­za­tions and we have to trust they are see­ing through the false state­ments.
  • Peo­ple that are try­ing to ques­tion David Cross sup­port for Don­ald Trump as he has worked on the stolen 2020 elec­tion.
  • Work­ing on try­ing to find out who is behind the cam­paign against David Cross.
  • Bri­an Jack is the Don­ald Trump endorsed can­di­date in the 3rd Dis­trict. The GRA has a dif­fer­ent endorse­ment in this race.
  • The GA state GOP com­mit­tee, Brant Frost had the com­mit­tee list before any­one else. HE was work­ing with Deb­bie Doo­ley and was send­ing out polling. Brant Frost ran the elec­tion on the com­put­er. Brant Frost was the one that ran the click­ers at the Trump vote. After the vote on endors­ing Trump, the pri­ma­ry had not hap­pened and the GOP had tak­en $25K from all 11 can­di­dates and the ques­tion was how would the GOP look if they endorse Trump before the pri­ma­ry. There were sev­er­al that vot­ed No that are Trump sup­port­ers. There was a motion on the floor to scrub the vote and not allow it to be released. It passed to scrub the vote. It is released on Kan­diss Tay­lors Twit­ter page. Last Fri­day’s meet­ing was sup­posed to be in exec­u­tive ses­sion and it was very clear that no pic­tures of the vote were to be released. There was a post of the BKP sup­port votes and direc­tion to shame the peo­ple.
  • If you want to take con­trol of the par­ty, you must go. We will not bend, we will not back down, we will nev­er give up. Go to the State con­ven­tion and vote for who you believe in.
  • There was an orches­trat­ed effort to cre­ate a nar­ra­tive to remove BKP.

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