Home / Georgia / GA 3 RNC Votes Need To Be Removed: Josh McKoon, Jason Thompson, Ginger Howard

GA 3 RNC Votes Need To Be Removed: Josh McKoon, Jason Thompson, Ginger Howard

  • Josh McK­oon should be removed imme­di­ate­ly. Gin­ger Howard is a friend of Ron­na McDaniel, she is nice and on the par­ty plan­ning com­mit­tee. Then there is Jason Thomp­son as the intim­ida­tor. This Sat­ur­day is the GA GOP con­ven­tion. Bri­an Kemp is not going to be there, nei­ther is Brad Raf­fen­speger or Chris Carr. Burt Jones, Bruce Thomp­son and John King will be attend­ing. Prob­a­bly Kel­ly Loef­fler does­n’t own most of the shares of the Inc. Kemp, Raf­fensperg­er and Carr will only want bal­lot access.
  • Why would we sup­port a coun­try that does­nt have elec­tions and send them mon­ey. Blinken goes to Ukraine to deliv­er the check. US set­ting up their vot­ing process? And when con­di­tions allow an elec­tion they will vote? This is real­ly con­cern­ing. Rus­sia is march­ing through Ukraine. The peo­ple in Ukraine dont want the war, thou­sands have been killed. They do not have the men to put on the front line. It does­nt have any­thing to do with aid. Zelen­sky cant han­dle it but he is a dic­ta­tor and we sup­port him. If the US is over there and imple­ment­ing the struc­ture for the elec­tions. Blinken need­ed a lit­tle time for him­self after deliv­er­ing the check, Blinken plays gui­tar on stage with Ukraine rock band.
  • They are in trou­ble in MI. Biden hits chi­nese EV, chips, and oth­er goods with high­er tar­iffs. The tar­iff talk is only a stunt. Steel alu­minum and bat­tery parts. Biden does­nt have the steel work­ers and the EV work­ers and it is a stunt.

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