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China The Peacemaker & Future Employees Are AI, Not You and I

  • Chi­na is going to be the peace­mak­er. BKP told us this months ago. Rus­sia moves fur­ther into north­ern Ukraine. Remem­ber Xi was in France not long ago and told Macron that Macron will make a deal. Putin is now head­ed to Chi­na at the invi­ta­tion of Xi.
  • At the same time Putin in Chi­na, Blinken is in Kiev to dis­cuss US aid and to insist Ukraine to become a mem­ber of NATO. Ukraine evac­u­ates almost 6000 peo­ple from Kharkiv as Rus­sia advances.
  • Covid was planned. When covid hit moms and pops got shut down. Who remained open? The big box stores got all the employ­ees and stuffed their pock­ets. While the big box remained open, we could­nt get work­ers. Now we are into kiosk order­ing. In loca­tions that need 12 employ­ees they can get it down to 4. There will not be a labor cri­sis.
  • Wal­mart slash­es hun­dreds of jobs weeks after axing thou­sands of ware­house staff and tells remote work­ers to get back to office in the lat­est cost-cut­ting move after announc­ing 65% of its stores will be auto­mat­ed by the end of 2026. Covid was a set up to move us into what they want. They dont need you. Ope­nAI unveils news AI mod­el GPT-40. Law­mak­ers are pro­mot­ing a bipar­ti­san roadmap on how to use AI with dis­claimer.
  • Biden announced new tar­iffs on cer­tain Chi­nese prod­ucts: EVs, steel and alu­minum, lega­cy semi­con­duc­tors and min­er­als, bat­tery com­po­nents and solar cells, cranes and med­ical prod­ucts. They are pre­tend­ing to put tar­iffs on Chi­na imports. Chi­nese com­pa­nies are build­ing fac­to­ries in Mex­i­co. They will import to Mex­i­co and then use the trade agree­ment with Mex­i­co to get into the US.

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