Home / Georgia / GA Corruption Continues — Dont Vote For Jason Thompson

GA Corruption Continues — Dont Vote For Jason Thompson

  • The Cor­rup­tion in GA is enor­mous.
  • It is BKPs opin­ion that Josh McK­oon has par­tic­i­pat­ed in a lot of evil. Why would he allow this blow up with­in the par­ty? What is in it for him? It is a cor­rupt deal. Maybe this affects his future. Maybe there is some dark mon­ey. He has lied. He went around the con­ven­tion with a no vot­ing machines stick­er. Are You Get­ting All this? He has mis­led you on every­thing he has done. He cre­ates an ene­mys list. He will go after any­one that goes against him. He told peo­ple that he want­ed paper bal­lots, he want­ed to cor­rect the cor­po­rate struc­ture of the GOP. McK­oon works for Bri­an Kemp in a round­about way. He has told BKP that he will not do any­thing to upset his rela­tion­ship with Bri­an Kemp. He put every­one on the record on who vot­ed for BKP so he could add to his ene­mys list. It is CYA time. BKP was nev­er giv­en the option how the meet­ing would pro­ceed. Travis Bow­den went to col­lege repub­li­cans and released the names of the peo­ple who vot­ed to keep BKP and called for pub­lic sham­ing.
  • Jason Thomp­son is the intim­ida­tor. Jason said no to the video. He is the state com­mit­tee­man. He wants you to trust him but he does­nt want you to hear what he says. There are not a lot of these events across the state it was for the del­e­gates to see across the state. He would not par­tic­i­pate if BKP videoed the event. He did not take the ques­tions from the floor. He went to a GRA meet­ing and it did­nt go well.
  • Gin­ger and Jason will not be attend­ing the Zoom meet­ing. They lied last night when they said there would be a record­ed zoom call on Tues­day. They did­nt want to be filmed on Mon­day night because it would be record­ed on Tues­day.
  • Jason Fraiz­er took ques­tions from the audi­ence. He is a nice guy.
  • The guy they real­ly dont like is David Cross. David Cross is still the 2nd Vice Chair until fur­ther notice, until they find a way to get him off. He does have to resign as 2nd Vice Chair if he gets elect­ed. They are in fear if he gets close to Lara Trump. He has spent thou­sands of hours expos­ing the fraud and cor­rup­tion in our elec­tion sys­tems. BKP sup­ports David Cross.
  • At 5:40 yes­ter­day, some­one paid for the text blast. Who paid for this? Why is this vol­un­teer posi­tion so impor­tant that they have to dis­cred­it some­one. This came from the Geor­gia Exam­in­er who has post­ed thou­sands of false fake state­ments. The cor­rup­tion with­in the state com­mit­tee led by Josh. The state of GA request­ed $25K from each can­di­date to be on the bal­lot. The GA pri­ma­ry had not tak­en place yet. There was a res­o­lu­tion on the floor before the pri­ma­ry to endorse Don­ald Trump. 11 can­di­dates gave $25K. A lot of dis­cus­sion. There was $25K that was tak­en from all these can­di­dates and this was before the pri­ma­ry and what would the GA GOP do if they endorsed Trump before the pri­ma­ry when they took $25K from each of the can­di­dates. The vote was tak­en. Then after the vote some­one ran up to the screen to take a pic­ture. The vote was to be sealed. No sham­ing. Then the trans­paren­cy dis­cus­sion came up. The State com­mit­tee vot­ed to seal the vote. Did Kan­diss Tay­lor release this vote, the sealed vote, and would Josh McK­oon ask for her res­ig­na­tion?
  • Why is Kan­diss Tay­lor try­ing to take David Cross down and why is she uphold­ing Jason Thomp­son?
  • David Cross scares the hell out of them and we want to put him in the room.


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