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Democrats Are Losing, They Have To Turn It Back To Abortion

  • Democ­rats are los­ing. There are 75 days between elec­tion day and inau­gu­ra­tion day. There is a pro­gram called Bank the Vote. What con­tin­ues to be said is that we have to go vote ear­ly and we have to catch on to what the democ­rats are doing. Remem­ber that democ­rats are cheat­ing and steal­ing elec­tions. What they are doing in AZ is the paper was off and the machines were not work­ing on elec­tion day. Lots of elec­tion day prob­lems. You watch elec­tion day night­mares. There seems to be a lot of prob­lems on elec­tion day. They have set you up to go to ear­ly vot­ing. Every­time you go in to vote they know you vot­ed. They can check off the box that you vot­ed, and if you have vot­ed repub­li­can in the past, then they know that you most like­ly vot­ed repub­li­can. Remem­ber the mod­el is to cheat and we have peo­ple in the repub­li­can par­ty say­ing to fol­low the mod­el.
  • Democ­rats have to turn it back to abor­tion. It is very clear that they dont believe in states rights.
  • What they are doing with the WHO, covid, dig­i­tal cur­ren­cy, Con­gress is putting in place to stop Trump if he were to get elect­ed. The exec­u­tive branch is giv­ing away pow­ers to WHO. The Deep State has to do every­thing to stop Trump from get­ting into the White House and if he does they have to stop his impuls­es. Cur­rent­ly you cant open an inves­ti­ga­tion with­out tak­ing it to the career staff (Deep State), but it is only tem­po­rary and Con­gress need­ed to make it per­ma­nent. Pay atten­tion to the Elec­toral Reform Act.
  • We have gov­er­nors, state leg­is­la­tors, and sec­re­taries of states send­ing fake elec­tors. No won­der they are indict­ing all these peo­ple.
  • Are they plan­ning to steal the elec­tion? Joe has to go. The net­works say that Trump is the pre­sump­tive nom­i­nee accord­ing to the net­works. But in August the protests, the dis­as­ter that the econ­o­my and the inva­sion and the Gaza will push on the democ­rats. The Biden base is hud­dled in a cor­ner know­ing they cant have Biden or Trump. The Trump base is ener­gized and is work­ing.

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