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These Are Paid Agitators On These College Campuses

  • We know that these are paid agi­ta­tors on these col­lege cam­pus­es. A map where pro-Pales­tin­ian stu­dent pro­test­ers have been arrest­ed. Col­lege cam­pus­es with report­ed encamp­ments or sit-ins relat­ed to the war in Gaza.
  • Left wing dark mon­ey groups are bankrolling anti-israel demon­stra­tions. Clash with police. These protests are cost­ing an enor­mous amount of mon­ey. Many are point­ing fin­gers at a com­pa­ny called Crowds on Demand, which pro­vides paid pro­test­ers as a ser­vice, accus­ing it of hir­ing left-wing agi­ta­tors to man­u­fac­ture the move­ment. These encamp­ments have appeared all across the coun­try in most respect­ed uni­ver­si­ties. CEO of Crowds on Demand said the sim­i­lar tents at the protests are a sign that there are larg­er groups fund­ing the demon­stra­tions. Anoth­er group that is being sus­pect­ed to be behind the protests is The Peo­ples Forum, a tax-exempt advo­ca­cy group who often hosts pro­pa­gan­da events for the regimes of coun­tries like Venezuela and Cuba. Crowds on Demand CEO says that NGOs are def­i­nite­ly involved. These are NGOs where they can get mon­ey from Crowds on Demand.
  • These peo­ple have demands. They want you to believe that stu­dents have the demands but they are ter­ror­ists. Anoth­er group is Stu­dents for Jus­tice in Pales­tine (SJP) is one of the main orga­niz­ers of a protest that brought Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty to a stand­still. A new report reveals the group got mills from sev­er­al char­i­ties with alleged links to Pales­tin­ian ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion Hama.
  • Yes­ter­day there was a bill passed for anti-semi­tism. Anti-Semi­tism is a cer­tain per­cep­tion of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetor­i­cal and phys­i­cal man­i­fes­ta­tions of anti-semi­tism are direct­ed toward Jew­ish or non-Jew­ish indi­vid­u­als and/or their prop­er­ty, toward Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty insti­tu­tions and reli­gious facil­i­ties.
  • Hate vs harm? It is your first amend­ment right to hate some­one or some­thing but it may not be to harm. They are strength­en­ing anti semi­tism laws. We do won­der what oth­er rights they are infring­ing on
  • Rus­sians descend on Moscows Vic­to­ry Park to view the cap­tured West­ern mil­i­tary hard­ware put on dis­play by Putin after they were seized in Ukraine. Exhi­bi­tion of NATO tro­phy weapons kicks off in Moscow. An exhi­bi­tion of weapons and mil­i­tary equip­ment cap­tured by Russ­ian ser­vice­men dur­ing the spe­cial mil­i­tary oper­a­tion opened on Wednes­day in Moscows Vic­to­ry Park.
  • Hamas indi­cates it will snub the lat­est hostage deal offer, but says talks to con­tin­ue.

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