Home / All Star Political Panel / All Star Political Panel May 3, 2024

All Star Political Panel May 3, 2024

BKP Intro

  • Trump gets out of court yes­ter­day he got a job deliv­er­ing piz­za. The ral­lies were great. Yes­ter­day Trump knows how to hit a home­run. He takes piz­zas to the fire­fight­ers in NYC. He can walk any­where and speak to peo­ple. Trump is knock­ing it out of the park. Once Trump gets released from this pho­ny tri­al in NYC, if he can take Wednes­day and apply it 4 days a week on the road. You under­stand why they have to keep him in court.
  • You have rent a pro­test­er, there are ship­ments of tent sent to these kids.
  • Trump had Iran broke. They steal the elec­tion from Trump and the next thing you know is Biden has Iran wealthy. WE have a ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion, Hamas, fund­ed by Iran, who fund­ed Iran? Amer­i­ca fund­ed Iran. Hama attacks Israel. Now we just fund Israel to fight Hamas. Won­der if some­one is fund­ing both sides of the war?
  • Then on top of that we have all the polit­i­cal the­ater hap­pen­ing in DC with the motion to vacate. Then we have all the polit­i­cal the­ater on these col­lege cam­pus­es.
  • In the last 3–4 days the nar­ra­tive they are run­ning, they have just released the sec­ond video of Josh, Aman­da and Wil­low. The democ­rats are in a mess. The Fed chair could not reduce the inter­est rate. This week the nar­ra­tive has been that Trump will not accept the results. They are con­cerned about vio­lence and not accept­ing the results. What are they lay­ing the ground­work for in Novem­ber?



  • Our gov­ern­ment funds this through NGOs who fund Crowds on Demand. It seems that NGO have come to light in the past year. Every bill that we pass, while we are giv­ing $90B but we have $9B to human­i­tar­i­an aid, big mon­ey is refugees. All of this stuff gets passed and they cov­er it with a nice title and that is where they fun­nel the aid. 95% of the NGO mon­ey is com­ing from the gov­ern­ment.
  • The Supreme Court has ruled the Stu­dent Debt relief as uncon­sti­tu­tion­al. But they have released anoth­er pack­age of debt relief. Who is sup­posed to enforce it on the admin­is­tra­tion?
  • The school should have stopped the protest­ing. There is a free­dom to speak and to protest but it is not a free­dom to destroy.



  • How many mis­siles did Iran launch onto Israel recent­ly? And appar­ent­ly all of the defense sys­tems took place, all of the drone strikes from wher­ev­er were sub­vert­ed and only 1 got through. But they want us to believe that on Oct 7th they did­n’t know the attack was com­ing. For the coun­try that has the most sur­veil­lance did­nt know the attack was com­ing.
  • The only per­son that is called for all the killing to stop is Trump. Trump believes that there are not a bunch of hostages to release. Hamas does­nt have any­thing to come to the table for the cease­fire. This coun­try is fund­ing all the wars around the world. This is all done on pur­pose. They have allowed peo­ple to die on pur­pose. Every­time you see the lit­tle kid stand­ing on rub­ble, and the report says that under the rub­ble is the kid sis­ter, that kid at 8 years old is deter­mined to hate the Jews and hate Amer­i­ca and it is a cycle that keeps going and going and it is prof­itable to the war­mon­gers. We have gone around the world and round­ed up all the hate and brought them to our shores.
  • The ques­tions on the pri­ma­ry bal­lot.
  • Biden in or out.
  • Win­ners and Losers

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