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Dems In Full Blown Freakout Mode Over Biden With Only 2 Options Left

  • Yes­ter­day we spent almost 2 hours on the check­list. Don­ald Trump has checked all the box­es except 1. We talked about the pan­ic democ­rats are hav­ing when it comes black white his­pan­ics. The tri­al was a back­lash against the democ­rats. It was a major mis­take. Trump is from New York. He knows how to talk to the cam­era. He has been blast­ing the media since the 80s in New York. The democ­rats are pan­ick­ing.
  • Trump has tak­en the oxy­gen out of the room, he has grabbed all the media atten­tion. Dems in full blown freak­out mode over Biden. They are at a loss, it is so bad at the deep state media. they are wait­ing on the ver­dict, no mat­ter what it is it does­n’t look good for them. There are seg­ments of the pop­u­la­tion, there is a rumor that the secret ser­vice would han­dle Trump in jail. If Trump is found guilty this week there is a sen­tenc­ing phase. We pro­vide secret ser­vice pro­tec­tion for their entire life. Right now Democ­rats are throw­ing shit on the wall to see if it will stick.
  • Europe is prepar­ing for Trump 2.0. Trump has checked off big busi­ness, small busi­ness.
  • The democ­rats are hurt­ing so bad­ly they brought out the pho­ny actors from J6 offi­cers that worked at the DC police.
  • The only thing that could hap­pen for democ­rats, they have 2 options. They have the option to replace Joe Biden as their can­di­date and maybe win the elec­tion or keep Joe Biden and have repub­li­cans par­tic­i­pate in steal­ing an elec­tion.
  • Robert Deniro came to the stage yes­ter­day and this is the deep state scrap­ing the bot­tom of the bar­rel. rag­ing bull­shit. the elite lose their mind.
  • What is behind the cur­tain of Robert Deniro
  • Dr David Morens apol­o­gized to law­mak­ers for inten­tion­al­ly delet­ing his email about covid 19 while serv­ing as dr. Antho­ny Fau­ci top advi­sor.
  • Youngstown OH blew the face off of Chase bank.
  • Blinken is in Ukraine play­ing gui­tar. Putin is killing peo­ple in ukraine. We have deaths in Gaza and attacks in israel. burns is the cia and run­ning the back­ground in the mid­dle east. not Blinken and not Joe Biden.
  • Bri­an Kemp will attend the GOP con­ven­tion as he builds up polit­i­cal oper­a­tions. He con­tin­ues to mull a sen­ate run in 2026 or a pres­i­den­tial bid in the next cycle. They are going for the win-win. He is going to the con­ven­tion to set him­self up with the fundrais­ing. Remem­ber there were 2 options. replace Biden or repub­li­cans par­tic­i­pat­ing to help steal the elec­tion. and then Kemp comes along. noth­ing good can come of this. This is exact­ly the tim­ing. they kicked BKP to the curb, they did not want BKP to have back­door access to the con­ven­tion. They made sure that every­thing was released. McK­oon was going to make a run to get John Garst the domin­ion lob­by­ist as a del­e­gates. he has got­ten his slate of del­e­gates in a runaround move. The state del­e­gates are irrel­e­vant. Won­der if Kemp told McK­oon who he want­ed in the room. GA will have a room and it has to be Kemp friend­ly. Mar­ty is going to work the room with gov­er­nors. Kemp wants to be pres­i­dent in 2028.

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