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McKoon Loyalty to Kemp? To Trump?

  • Will the democ­rats have a con­ven­tion? What will hap­pen at the RNC con­ven­tion, Kemp is going.
  • Who is LaCivi­ta?
  • Kemp plots steps that could shape his polit­i­cal future? You will not be a del­e­gate to Wis­con­sin with­out Kem­p’s approval. McK­oon works for Kemp and if you think that he has loy­al­ty to Don­ald J Trump.
  • Dems in full blown freak­out over biden.
  • pri­vate vs pub­lic. The stakes are high. It is a dire sit­u­a­tion. they are hurt­ing so bad they brought Robert Deniro out.
  • They are rapid­ly try­ing to trump proof the next admin­is­tra­tion. the estab­lish­ment repub­li­cans the CIA mon­ey from Ukraine. the deep state. They are run­ning every sce­nario. They are in back rooms they are plan­ning. they are not giv­ing you every­thing. Remem­ber Joe Scar­bor­ough told you that it is like they have 4 aces. They are run­ning every sce­nario. What if we can’t get the Amer­i­can peo­ple to believe that a demo­c­rat won the elec­tion. and they have to let Trump win.
  • There are a sting of big moments that are com­ing. What are the game chang­ers? Will Trump be con­vict­ed this week? Reset? Con­ven­tions are com­ing? When you come out of con­ven­tion the can­di­dates always get a bounce. There are a num­ber of moments com­ing. Are they going to switch can­di­dates? Elec­tion denial­ism, no mat­ter how they want to shape their answer. They are work­ing to change how you think. They always project to you how you should think and how you should feel and how it should look. They can’t get the Amer­i­can peo­ple to believe again. The Amer­i­can peo­ple will not believe that Joe Biden won again. Major­i­ty of Amer­i­cans believe that some­thing was wrong.
  • Remem­ber last week, the real­i­ty check. Most Amer­i­cans have a false per­cep­tion and there is a real­i­ty check. you get set up on a dai­ly basis. Most Amer­i­cans have a false per­cep­tion of the real­i­ty of the econ­o­my. We told you yes­ter­day that gro­cery stores are going to slash prices to com­pete for your busi­ness… you mean they had the mon­ey to slash the prices all along? Remem­ber what they are cre­at­ing. It seems like last week you had a false sense of the econ­o­my being all doom and gloom but now Amer­i­cans feel bet­ter about the econ­o­my.
  • Here’s the real­i­ty: your per­cep­tion is wrong. You’re dis­con­nect­ed from your per­cep­tion and real­i­ty. We know that the unem­ploy­ment num­bers are false and the stock num­bers are manip­u­lat­ed. You have branch banks clos­ing, restau­rants clos­ing. They have cre­at­ed a new real­i­ty and your per­cep­tion is wrong.

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