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Trump-Proofing America, The Military Industrial Complex And The World

  • The jury delib­er­at­ed and then we will get the ver­dict. This seems to be the top sto­ry they want to talk about
  • But we are in World War 3 and all the mon­ey we need­ed to come up with is for the war­mon­gers, indus­tri­al mil­i­tary com­plex.
  • How did the FOIA lady help Fau­ci top aide skirt fed­er­al trans­paren­cy law on COVID ori­gins. Repub­li­cans launch inves­ti­ga­tion after bomb­shell admis­sions. Dr. David Morens admit­ted to delet­ing emails about COVID last week. There is a lot of research that they don’t want to have it sur­face, they only want to talk about how trump han­dled the pan­dem­ic.
  • The Hush Mon­ey case is all about how Trump is being accused of try­ing to hood­wink vot­ers with elec­tion con­spir­a­cy fuel­ing a hush mon­ey scheme. They want you to believe that Trump stole the elec­tion from Hillary because of not allow­ing the hush mon­ey case to come out.
  • Putin threat­ens west. Zelen­sky is ask­ing for your weapons. There are arti­cles in Rus­sia that Zelin­sky is not the legit­i­mate pres­i­dent of Ukraine. and he wants to attack Rus­sia with our weapons. He wants per­mis­sion to strike west­ern ter­ri­to­ries with donat­ed weapons. Biden’s absence at the peace sum­mit will be a stand­ing ova­tion for Putin, warns Zelen­skyy.
  • Ger­many and France agree Ukraine may strike Russ­ian mil­i­tary tar­gets. remem­ber when the pres­i­dent of the unit­ed states was the leader of the free world. Remem­ber when Amer­i­ca led and the world wait­ed for what we thought. We are send­ing peo­ple to the peace sum­mit, but Biden won’t be there. Why are Ger­many and France tak­ing the lead?
  • Why would Putin say and give warn­ing to us for nuclear attacks. The French pres­i­dent says that Ukraine should only be allowed to hit Russ­ian facil­i­ties used to shell ukraine. NATO wants this. The Ukraine con­sti­tu­tion extends pow­er for par­lia­ment not the pres­i­dent. Remem­ber, Zelen­sky has called for mar­shall law.
  • They are Trump-proof­ing Amer­i­ca, the mil­i­tary indus­tri­al com­plex and the world.
  • Ukrain­ian spies with deep ties to the CIA wage shad­ow war. The CIA — burns is expect­ed to trav­el to Cairo this week­end for a fresh round of hostage talks with top offi­cials from Egypt, Qatar and Israel. This was April 5th.
  • Is Chi­na stock­pil­ing resources to pre­pare for war? Go look at the increased pur­chas­es for gold. Are they prepar­ing for gold?
  • There is no way we can have peace with­out ukraine. NATO is look­ing to go all out war. you will not return any of this ter­ri­to­ry to ukraine with­out a full blown war. There is only one per­son that is avail­able that can han­dle this and this is Don­ald Trump. This is a CIA oper­a­tion. Nik­ki Haley sound­ed like she is in the Trump admin­is­tra­tion already.
  • NATO wants the war.
  • Sam­sung elec­tron­ics union threat­ens first ever walk­out next week in South Korea.
  • We throw away mon­ey. The US will remove Biden’s $320 mil­lion Gaza pier because it is sink­ing after 2 weeks of oper­a­tion.
  • Israeli tanks push deep­er into Rafah as the death toll mounts. The mil­i­tary indus­tri­al com­plex gets enor­mous bonus checks while the kids in the mid­dle east grow to hate the US.

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