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Who is LaCivita? Is He Right For The Trump Campaign?

  • There is a team work­ing right now and we want answers on how he got such a mas­sive increase in salary.
  • Mike Dugan is in the run-off against Bri­an Jack. the runoff June 18. Dugan is an estab­lish­ment.
  • LaCivi­ta cur­rent­ly serves as a senior advi­sor on Don­ald Trump’s 2024 pres­i­den­tial cam­paign. As of 2023, LaCivi­ta was the chief strate­gist of Trump’s MAGA Inc. we know that Trump has said to clean house. LaCivi­ta has been hir­ing vocal anti-trumpers into key roles for the pres­i­den­t’s re-elec­tion bid. He is hir­ing inex­pe­ri­enced indi­vid­u­als in their 20s to run elec­tion integri­ty in key bat­tle­ground states, while skip­ping over sea­soned Trump loy­al­ists in 2016. We need proven patri­ots in these roles, not green­horns. He has redi­rect­ed sig­nif­i­cant cam­paign funds more than $4M to his own com­pa­nies with­out trans­paren­cy. He appears more inter­est­ed in mak­ing mon­ey than pro­vid­ing Trump with sound advice.
  • New hires, nation­al fundrais­ers and out of state trav­el, these are not moves of a man head­ed for retire­ment. Kemp plots steps that could shape his polit­i­cal future. He is try­ing to forge his own path while avoid­ing pit­falls oth­ers have faced. Kemp is steer­ing clear of MAGA-fied GA GOP events since 2022. He has not attend­ed the GA GOP con­ven­tions. but now he is head­ed to the Nation­al con­ven­tion. McK­oon will chase Kemp around like a pup­py dog. Kmep thinks he will be pres­i­dent in 2028. if you are Kemp and you are in charge. Kemp will embark on a mul­ti state fed­er­al super PAC with plans to stop in TX cal­i­for­nia and Flori­da. He will host a fundrais­er for Lar­ry Hogan, MD gov­er­nor. if you want every­thing to go your way and you are set­ting up your future. Greg Dozi­er, the com­mis­sion­er of the GA tech col­lege sys­tem and McK­oon were both appoint­ed right after the 2020 elec­tion. If you want things to go your way, you put the right peo­ple in there. McK­oons salary increased $57K since becom­ing GOP chair. We can’t find the board approval for the increase of McK­oon’s salary; only 2 peo­ple can approve, the gov­er­nor or the com­mis­sion­er. the com­mis­sion­er would need board approval.

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