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Politicians Have Always Run A Catch And Kill Campaign

  • Trump is in court and he can’t leave. The jury is out on delib­er­a­tions. He is in a hold­ing room. Yes­ter­day the jury had some ques­tions. The judge explained the ques­tions to the legal teams and there is a debate on if the jury gets the infor­ma­tion. Then the judge can call the jury back in the room with the media and the jury asks the judge ques­tions. There are 50 pages of jury instruc­tion. There are 2 lawyers on the jury pan­el, they could be relit­i­gat­ing the case to the jurors or could be say­ing that the case does­n’t have any weight.
  • Since the begin­ning of our coun­try, politi­cians have always run a “catch and kill” mean­ing the sto­ries that the cam­paign is to catch and kill before it gets out to the pub­lic. How many catch and kill sto­ries does Barack Oba­ma have? the media is act­ing like this hush mon­ey case would have changed the elec­tion in 2016. They are going back to 2016. And we can’t get any­thing in court. We can’t get our state elec­tion board to get our elec­tion evi­dence from Ful­ton coun­ty to the Attor­ney Gen­er­al. This case was looked at by the fed­er­al elec­tion cam­paign orga­ni­za­tion, Sy Vance was the over­seer, noth­ing was being able to get it moved for­ward. But they inject­ed it with a law in NY, who went to NY to call NY home, Hillary Clin­ton, and who pumped a lot of mon­ey into NY and got elect­ed Sen­a­tor. Hillary “a New York­er” feels the elec­tion was stolen from her, not the amer­i­can peo­ple. the 2020 elec­tion was stolen from the amer­i­can peo­ple. in 2016 the elec­tion was stolen from the deep state. there is noth­ing to this case, every­thing is poli­cial.
  • If you are out there say­ing we have to stop the deep state and we have to put some­one in that wont be con­trolled by the mil­i­tary indus­tri­al com­plex, and have made the rules that you and I can’t break.
  • Why did Rod Wheel­er get shipped off from Fox News and now wear­ing the red apron in Ace Hard­ware? Slain DNC staffer fam­i­ly order blab­bing detec­tive to Cease and Desist on Rod Wheel­er.
  • The Biden cam­paign views Robert Deniro press­er as a good moment. The Biden cam­paign sent their com­mu­ni­ca­tions team with Deniro.
  • This is all about the elec­tion that they think Hillary should have won, the deep state should have won.
  • Biden has the media prepped and his team has him prepped to address the nation if Trump is con­vict­ed.
  • Trump is stuck in a room, if the buzzer rings he has to be avail­able to go into the court.
  • Biden is cam­paign­ing in Philly.
  • How long will they keep Trump because the Bronx real­ly messed them up. They are pan­ick­ing.
  • The only tri­al in 2020 is against Don­ald Trump.
  • The hush mon­ey case is about the 120K that swayed the nation in 2016. the pan­dem­ic did­n’t sway the nation, the lap­top did­n’t sway the nation. There is a lot of dra­ma sur­round­ing the case but at the end of the day Trump is in court.
  • Janelle King appoint­ed to the GA elec­tion board. Yes Ed Lind­sey had to go. There are 3 things you need to remem­ber, house speak­er Jon Burns appoint­ed her. Jon Burns is not close to being a good repub­li­can. She is very close friends with Kel­ly Loef­fler. She is pret­ty close friends with Bri­an Kemp.

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