Donald Trump Cannot Be Beat, His Base Is Energized
- Donald Trump cannot be beat.
- The drama on the campuses, the drama with MTG, the drama in DC is covering up something that no one is talking about.
- The goal was to raise interest rates so high to destroy the economy and they cant get a handle on it. The Fed cannot fix what Joe Biden has done. At this point they were supposed to cut interest rates.
- You may have missed the black man that killed 4 white police officers. Police officers, steel workers, UAW workers are going to vote for Trump.
- If we are talking about the agitators you may have missed this. Election shifting percentage of voters admit to illegal voting in 2020.
- Remember we talked about this when we talked about getting the people to Egypt safely. An Egypt firm is making $2M a day from Palestinians fleeing Gaza. EU unveils 1B euro aid package to curb refugee flows. Then you have the paid agitators so you are not looking behind the curtain.
- Members of Congress are actively working to shut down a TV network for criticizing them. Tucker interview.
- If Joe is having a problem with students, then he will just pay your student debt.
- Trump’s base is energized. Bidens base is not. Michigan is the place in 2016 the day before the election. Trump did like 5 stops that day. Remember he was running behind and got outside Detroit at 12:45 on election day and the place was packed at 1am on election day.
- One these campuses are paid agitators but the people that are at the rallies are not. There are companies that are out there that will rent a crowd. The democrat base is in major trouble. They have him in court, they have to keep him in court.