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The Democrats Have To Save The Jewish and Black Vote

  • There is no news cycle con­cern­ing the attack on Oct 7 that killed 1400 Jew­ish peo­ple or reports that Hamas is a ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion fund­ed by Iran, a ter­ror­ist coun­try fund­ed by the US that start­ed a war.
  • The democ­rats have to do some­thing to save the Jew­ish vote. The black vote has gone to the democ­rats. The democ­rats are about ready to pull the fire alarm. They are in pan­ic. No dis­cus­sion of Hamas, no dis­cus­sion of hostages, no dis­cus­sion of who many have been killed. They want a two state solu­tion while stu­dents are yelling death to amer­i­ca, iran is yelling death to amer­i­ca, syr­ia yelling death to amer­i­ca and iran lob­bing mis­siles over iraq. How can you get close to a two state solu­tion with­out con­demn­ing ter­ror­ists?
  • John­son is safe. Greenes bid to top­ple John­son veers clos­er to back­fir­ing. MTG will call for a motion to vacate next week. Remem­ber the debt ceil­ing, we had an oppor­tu­ni­ty to turn down the debt ceil­ing. We had a six seat major­i­ty in the House. McCarthy sup­port­ed the debt ceil­ing increase. We dont have to wor­ry about how high it goes until 2025. MTG vot­ed yes, Massie vot­ed yes. If we would not have increased the debt ceil­ing we would have shut down the gov­ern­ment, we would have been past it by now. We would have a secure bor­der. We heard about the full faith in cred­it every­day and the Amer­i­can peo­ple did­nt under­stand.
  • Now we are down to 1 major­i­ty. BKP does­nt sup­port John­son. The nar­ra­tive will be that repub­li­cans cant gov­ern.
  • Trump is not rul­ing out vio­lence but we know that it was the most secure elec­tion in his­to­ry, says Jonathan Lamiere.
  • How do you go from the most secure elec­tion. And we passed SB202, all the cor­rec­tions from 2020 made it eas­i­er to vote and hard­er to cheat. The bot­tom line is every year in GA that claims to tight­en our elec­tion code.
  • Ful­ton rep­ri­mand­ed for missed votes in ini­tial 2022 pri­ma­ry count. 1326 votes missed because they were not loaded from mem­o­ry cards. We know in 2020 we did­nt miss any­thing. Not a thing. Accord­ing to Brad Raf­fensperg­er.
  • Mid­dle class Amer­i­cans dont care what the charts say about infla­tion.
  • Ash­li Bab­bitt was killed inside the Capi­tol. The 5 police offi­cers were not killed as a result of the protest. They all had pre­vi­ous med­ical con­di­tions.
  • In the 50s there was oper­a­tion Wet­back by Eisen­how­er. Trump goes over what his plan will be to use local law enforce­ment.
  • The dra­ma will play out. Inside house democ­rats decide to save Mike John­son.
  • MI bill on elec­tion fraud that will vio­late the con­fi­dence of the elec­tions. It is head­ed to the sen­ate in MI.
  • We have a long way to go until Jan 20th at noon.

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