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Dont Get Excited That Nikki Haley Will Vote For Trump

  • Dont get all excit­ed that Nik­ki Haley will vote for Trump. The media does­nt have any­thing to do oth­er than cre­ate your real­i­ty. They will turn some­thing in a direc­tion to cre­ate this alter­na­tive real­i­ty because you are too dumb to catch on. You have a false per­cep­tion of real­i­ty, be care­ful what they are try­ing to get you to believe. Nik­ki Haley is not sup­port­ing Don­ald Trump. This is all about 2026 and 2028. They are not in it to save Amer­i­ca, they are look­ing for the prize to enrich them­selves. Don­ald Trump is the only one that finan­cial­ly went back­wards. These peo­ple are all in it for per­son­al gain, not for the Amer­i­can peo­ple. Bri­an Kemp and Mar­ty and girls vot­ed for Nik­ki Haley. There is a lot of rumor that Kemp will run against Ossoff in 2026. Kemp can­not afford a loss on his resume. Kemp will leave office in 2026 on a high note, they will lead you to believe that his approval rat­ings will be 60% and there will be a book tour. US Sen­ate is a statewide race, Kemp would have to rely on the hard­work­ing Geor­gians to beat Ossoff. They con­trol the machines. Bri­an Kemp will nev­er win an elec­tion again if the machines were on the up and up. Let’s say he will have 4 or 5 oppo­nents in the pri­ma­ry and he cant get through the pri­ma­ry. Bri­an Kemp thinks he is pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed states. Nik­ki Haley’s sup­port for Trump was not all in. There has been a lot blow­ing up that she has del­e­gates and some nev­er Trumpers on the del­e­gate list. What is the tim­ing? Are we going to relax when we are look­ing at the del­e­gates? Every sce­nario is on the table. We cant take a sigh of relief, trust but ver­i­fy, You can not trust any­one. There has been a lot talked about the del­e­gates that are going. If you have del­e­gates that are locked in and have been con­cerned that some of your del­e­gates are more nik­ki haley sup­port­ers than don­ald trump and if they are con­cerned that if don­ald trump gets con­vict­ed. Dont relax. If you have any­one on your list of del­e­gates who vot­ed for Nik­ki Haley or Chris Christie, you have to try to stop that del­e­gate from going to the con­ven­tion. They will not stop at try­ing to take out Trump. This was not an endorse­ment of Trump. When she says that Trump would be smart to reach out to her vot­ers and dont assume they will vote for him. These peo­ple are on the cam­paign trail and they hire big media teams to cap­ture every­thing. She spent all that time attack­ing Trump. They will make a scis­sor reel of the attacks. Trump did not say No for Nik­ki as VP. If Don­ald Trump cozies up to Nik­ki Haley and she gets con­sid­er­a­tion for VP, then you might as well accept that Don­ald Trump is allow­ing the Deep State to run things. This is par­al­lel with Ronald Rea­gan, he ran against George H, the CIA guy, the New World Order guy. The Deep State made him take George H. There are meet­ings right now that the Trump team is hav­ing to white­board the VP can­di­dates. Trump has your vote, he will not pick some­one that you will be ecsta­t­ic about. What did Nik­ki say? If Trump was smart he would reach out to her vot­ers. Kel­ly Loef­fler will play she likes Don­ald Trump but those sub­ur­ban white women, they like Nik­ki Haley. Don­ald Trump has a lot of bad peo­ple sur­round­ing him, set­ting him up. Trump has some good advi­sors, he has some peo­ple feed­ing him bad stuff. It is time to dou­ble down and look behind the cur­tain and see what the deep state is try­ing to maneu­ver and manip­u­late. Trump cant Drain the swamp if he endors­es its worst offend­ers — The Fed­er­al­ist
  • On May 30, 2006, Hen­ry Paul­son and George W Bush met to col­lapse our finan­cial sys­tem.
  • Amy Kre­mer was elect­ed by the del­e­gates to be the GA GOP repub­li­can com­mit­tee­woman. Deb­bie Doo­ley and oth­ers are run­ning an attack on Amy. We have to break down the GOP and rebuild it. As long as your state GOP holds the bal­lot access, we have to break it down and rebuild it. The real bal­lot access is the R and D. The State is not rec­og­niz­ing Amy as Com­mit­tee­Woman.
  • Trump gears up for S. Bronx ral­ly today, watch what hap­pens. He got 100K in NJ.

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