Home / Georgia / Is There A Coup In Place For Nikki Haley? Is Ga Playing A Role? Part 3

Is There A Coup In Place For Nikki Haley? Is Ga Playing A Role? Part 3

  • They had to remove BKP from the GA GOP. We have warned about the del­e­gates and there may be a coup. GA is a cor­rupt state. We are review­ing things that need to be watched for in oth­er states.
  • We have talked about John Garst and Trey Kel­ly.
  • There are some open records requests in the Sec­re­tary of State office and open records requests in the GA tech col­lege where Josh McK­oon works. Tori Thom­spons works for Jor­dan Fuchs the SOS office. The fam­i­ly has got­ten a lot of mon­ey from the SOS. Jason should not be the RNC com­mit­tee­man. Rumor is that BJ Van Gundy will be appoint­ed as Vice Chair.
  • The AJC this morn­ing, J6 orga­niz­er vot­ed to the RNC vio­lat­ed fed­er­al elec­tion reg­u­la­tions. Imme­di­ate­ly they are going for the attack on Amy Kre­mer. At this moment the 32 day notice is com­ing from the GA GOP to remove Amy. It might be because she sup­ports Don­ald Trump. The GA GOP has not con­grat­u­lat­ed her. They want Gin­ger Howard, the par­ty plan­ner. Why did­nt this let­ter come out well in advance to make sure every­one knows about this and allow Amy to come on to the stage. The estab­lish­ment wants Gin­ger Howard, the coup if it is hap­pen­ing wants Gin­ger Howard. All these peo­ple will vote for Trump until they get into a room. They start get­ting into these back rooms and deals hap­pen. Amy Kre­mer and Tiffany Sav­age, no mat­ter what they say, will not flip their vote. Could they con­vince John Garst and Trey Kel­ly? They will try to remove Amy and if they do and are suc­cess­ful they will appoint Gin­ger Howard.
  • Brant Frost, his moth­er was sec­re­tary on the nom­i­nat­ing com­mit­tee, his sis­ter is dis­trict chair of the 3rd dis­trict in GA. about the time they were let­ting you know that BKP was pub­lic ene­my #1. The text mes­sages that were sent out on the hit pieces were fund­ed by the GRA PAC. It has been told that Brant is in charge of the GRA PAC. rumors are the Geor­gia Exam­in­er is also Brant.
  • They got caught and now they are run­ning cov­er. They watched BKP Pol­i­tics yes­ter­day and imme­di­ate­ly ran the GA exam­in­er arti­cle. Brant Frost often plays the Godzil­la of Bull­shit, John Fredricks. John Fredricks car­ries water with Kel­ly Loef­fler as she tweets, The shad­ow cam­paign for top offices up grabs in 2024 is already under­way, and nowhere was that more evi­dent than the two-day GA GOP con­ven­tion this week­end.
  • Now McK­oon is on the show this morn­ing about BKP. They are run­ning cov­er. They are try­ing to get John Fredricks, he will do any­thing for a moon pie. They want you to believe that the list was what Trump want­ed.
  • The num­ber of lies in this arti­cle are too many to count. The GA Exam­in­er first blames Don­ald Trump for John Garst. Their first place win­ner is Josh McK­oon. The GRA is get­ting all these acco­lades.
  • Trey Kel­ly is still on the list. While Trey Kel­ly is Ful­ton coun­ty chair uses tid­dly­winks to rig the Ful­ton Coun­ty chair elec­tion and is giv­ing mon­ey to a lob­by­ist from the repub­li­can par­ty funds.
  • The same year they stole the elec­tion from Trump and the same year that the GOP gave mon­ey to Roset­ta Stone.

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