Home / Georgia / Georgia Is One Of The Most Corrupt States In The United States

Georgia Is One Of The Most Corrupt States In The United States

  • Geor­gia is one of the most cor­rupt states in the Unit­ed States.
  • The kids dont even know what they are doing and are shop­ping from the Yass­er Arafat col­lec­tion. What a way to get out of final exams.
  • They are explod­ing on all the net­works. Time mag­a­zine If he wins. Trump has a path to vic­to­ry. Biden is implod­ing, either they have to get Biden out of the race or they will have to be pre­pared to cheat in every state.
  • Web­site files for bank­rupt­cy amid law­suit by Ful­ton Co elec­tion work­ers. The Gate­way Pun­dit has filed for bank­rupt­cy pro­tec­tion.
  • Sau­di Ara­bia pledges $500M for polio research at WEF in Riyadh, first time ever. And we are watch­ing the kids throw desks around and break­ing into a build­ing they should­nt be in.
  • You know how BKP feels about Bri­an Kemp. BKP gets mes­sages for the good of the par­ty. They need him out for the good of the par­ty. Based on the inter­view Mar­ty will not vote for and did not vote for Trump in the pri­ma­ry, you can bet that the whole fam­i­ly did­nt vote for Trump. Bri­an Kemp will tell you that he will sup­port the nom­i­nee. So does Mitch McConnell and Bill Barr. None of them and even in the GA GOP Inc are not focused on 2024. Every­thing they are doing is focus­ing on 2026. They can pre­tend that they are sup­port­ing Trump because of the large lead that Trump has in the state. They will not do what tru­ly needs to be done to get Trump elect­ed in the state of GA. We know Chris Christie hates Trump. Chris Christie has said in inter­views that he will not vote for Trump. He is still in the back­ground to remove Trump as the nom­i­nee. Why would you hang out with this guy? Christie was a speak­er at Kemps Sea Island retreat. Atten­dees spent $10–25K to attend. They are doing every­thing to keep it pri­vate so you cant see who went in. The 3 day gath­er­ing for Kemps Hard­work­ing Amer­i­cans PAC has become a sta­ple of Kemp-world pol­i­tics. He will not give $1 to the GOP. Josh McK­oon keeps kiss­ing the ass of Kemp and crew. The most buzzed about top­ic was not get­ting Trump elect­ed in 2024 or sav­ing the coun­try. We know that the coun­try as we know it is over if Trump does­nt get into office. The Hard­work­ing Amer­i­cans are con­cerned about get­ting Trump elect­ed and elect­ing repub­li­cans to get con­trol of the House and Sen­ate. No, the top­ic was what Kemp will do next. The coun­try we know is at stake. Sur­veil­lance of its cit­i­zens, open bor­der, our future. The event raised $1.6M for Kemps polit­i­cal net­work. They dont talk about 2024.
  • Any­one going to tweet ask­ing for a piece of the pie to be donat­ed to the GOP or ask­ing for the case to be dis­missed, let us get repub­li­cans elect­ed across the state, let us fund door knock­ers, and rent some vans to trans­port vot­ers to the polls. Don’t think these peo­ple are work­ing to get Trump elect­ed in 2024. It is all about 2026.
  • The attack on gas appli­ances con­tin­ues. Water Heaters are the next. Why do we love South Korea so much? They make our TVs, appli­ances

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