Georgia Is One Of The Most Corrupt States In The United States
- Georgia is one of the most corrupt states in the United States.
- The kids dont even know what they are doing and are shopping from the Yasser Arafat collection. What a way to get out of final exams.
- They are exploding on all the networks. Time magazine If he wins. Trump has a path to victory. Biden is imploding, either they have to get Biden out of the race or they will have to be prepared to cheat in every state.
- Website files for bankruptcy amid lawsuit by Fulton Co election workers. The Gateway Pundit has filed for bankruptcy protection.
- Saudi Arabia pledges $500M for polio research at WEF in Riyadh, first time ever. And we are watching the kids throw desks around and breaking into a building they shouldnt be in.
- You know how BKP feels about Brian Kemp. BKP gets messages for the good of the party. They need him out for the good of the party. Based on the interview Marty will not vote for and did not vote for Trump in the primary, you can bet that the whole family didnt vote for Trump. Brian Kemp will tell you that he will support the nominee. So does Mitch McConnell and Bill Barr. None of them and even in the GA GOP Inc are not focused on 2024. Everything they are doing is focusing on 2026. They can pretend that they are supporting Trump because of the large lead that Trump has in the state. They will not do what truly needs to be done to get Trump elected in the state of GA. We know Chris Christie hates Trump. Chris Christie has said in interviews that he will not vote for Trump. He is still in the background to remove Trump as the nominee. Why would you hang out with this guy? Christie was a speaker at Kemps Sea Island retreat. Attendees spent $10–25K to attend. They are doing everything to keep it private so you cant see who went in. The 3 day gathering for Kemps Hardworking Americans PAC has become a staple of Kemp-world politics. He will not give $1 to the GOP. Josh McKoon keeps kissing the ass of Kemp and crew. The most buzzed about topic was not getting Trump elected in 2024 or saving the country. We know that the country as we know it is over if Trump doesnt get into office. The Hardworking Americans are concerned about getting Trump elected and electing republicans to get control of the House and Senate. No, the topic was what Kemp will do next. The country we know is at stake. Surveillance of its citizens, open border, our future. The event raised $1.6M for Kemps political network. They dont talk about 2024.
- Anyone going to tweet asking for a piece of the pie to be donated to the GOP or asking for the case to be dismissed, let us get republicans elected across the state, let us fund door knockers, and rent some vans to transport voters to the polls. Don’t think these people are working to get Trump elected in 2024. It is all about 2026.
- The attack on gas appliances continues. Water Heaters are the next. Why do we love South Korea so much? They make our TVs, appliances