Home / National / UAW Unionize The South, Gaza Coming To YOUR Town, & Globalist At Work

UAW Unionize The South, Gaza Coming To YOUR Town, & Globalist At Work

  • Kristie Noem has a book out where she talks about killing a dog after a dog kills chick­ens. I prob­a­bly would have nev­er put this sec­tion in my book.
  • Volk­swa­gen accepts UAW union­iza­tion vote at Ten­nessee plant. The fac­to­rys employ­ees over­whelm­ing­ly vot­ed to join the UAW mak­ing them the first non-detroit three auto­mo­tive assem­bly plant in the south to be union­ized. The south has his­tor­i­cal­ly been a no-go zone for unions at major pri­vate com­pa­nies due to polit­i­cal, legal, cul­tur­al and busi­ness oppo­si­tion.
  • In this sto­ry mid­dle school girls were asked to com­pete against trans­gen­der 13yo. The mid­dle school girls who brave­ly protest­ed a boy ath­letes par­tic­i­pa­tion in girls track and field events have been banned from future com­pe­ti­tions by a West Vir­ginia school board. 5 WV mid­dle school­ers have been barred from future meets, prompt­ing the state attor­ney gen­er­al to ask the US Supreme court to weigh in on trans­gen­der stu­dent-ath­lete bans for a sec­ond time.
  • Top Amer­i­can cities where Joe Biden is send­ing hun­dreds of thou­sands of parolled migrants is YOUR home­town one of them? 1‑Miami, 2‑Ft Laud­erdale, 3‑New York, 4‑Houston, 5‑Orlando, 6‑Los Ange­les, 7‑Tampa, 8‑Dallas, 9‑San Fran­cis­co, 10-Atlanta. Remem­ber when Colton Moore went to Atlanta air­port and got reports that it had been hap­pen­ing for a while and he went to the floor of the Sen­ate to report and not one stood by him.
  • The Biden admin­is­tra­tion is con­sid­er­ing giv­ing refugees from GAZA per­ma­nent safe haven in Amer­i­ca with two sur­pris­ing perks. Giv­ing them hous­ing and admis­sions pro­grams for Gaza.
  • Why is Lord David Cameron (UK SOS) so front and cen­ter right now. Sau­di WEF sum­mit. This guy went to Mar-a-Lago, DC, France, Israel, now at WEF in Sau­di. He is at the sum­mit to call for an imme­di­ate human­i­tar­i­an pause in Gaza. Sau­di Ara­bia — Bill Gates — WEF. Blinken at WEF. Sau­di Ara­bia pledges $500M for polio research at WEF in Riyadh. Bill Gates to open a region­al office in Sau­di Ara­bia as part of pro­gram imple­men­ta­tion. A pub­lic-pri­vate part­ner­ship led by gov­ern­ments with six part­ners includ­ing Gates Foun­da­tion.
  • Netanyahu vows to invade Rafah with or with­out a deal as cease fire talks with Hama con­tin­ue.
  • Trump is in WI and MI today.

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