Home / Georgia / Josh McKoon is Involved with the Most Anti-Trump People

Josh McKoon is Involved with the Most Anti-Trump People

  • Lit­tle Deb­bie you worked so hard to not be a del­e­gate at the nation­al con­ven­tion. The del­e­gates at the con­ven­tion said no.
  • They are get­ting ready to go after any­body. They are about to go after any­one who has exposed what they have done. They have a nom­i­nat­ing com­mit­tee to bring some sort of author­i­ty with the slate. You cant have loy­al­ty to Bri­an Kemp and sing karaoke with John Garst (Domin­ion part­ner) and stand on the stage of the GA GOP and have trust.
  • Josh McK­oon sup­port­ed the oust­ing of David Cross. Josh is involved with the most anti trump peo­ple, back­stab­bing Trump peo­ple. BJ Van­Gundy is Jason Thomp­sons best friend. BJ Van­Gundy is being slid back into 1st Vice Chair.
  • Between Tori and Mama Thomp­son their val­ues are up in the air between Brad Raf­fensperg­er and Don­ald Trump. There has been a lot of mon­ey that has come out of the Sec­re­tary of State’s office into the Thomp­son fam­i­ly.


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