Tori Branum candidate for Georgia Senate District 20
- Tomorrow is primary election day in Georgia. Tori is running for the Georgia Senate District 20. Running against Larry Walker has been the incumbent for the past 8 years. He was a democrat until 2002, his voting record is not moderate at best. This past session he tried to give the impression that he is a conservative. In 2016 he voted non-partisan. His spouse is vocal about voting for Biden.
- Marine and has a firearms business in middle Georgia. She has been to the border several times.
- Peach State Values Inc PAC running ad with photoshopped pic behind bars. Larry Walker has been CEO. he signed it over to Sen Brass so he would not be charged with campaign finance laws. PAC running smear campaign against Tori.
- Hb354 Larry championed to do hair and makeup without a license. He was praised by a pro-illegal group with several illegal friendly bills such as Hb1105. He agrees with the Green New Deal. Larry controls the republican caucus. The district is ready for change.