Home / Georgia / Tori Branum candidate for Georgia Senate District 20

Tori Branum candidate for Georgia Senate District 20

  • Tomor­row is pri­ma­ry elec­tion day in Geor­gia. Tori is run­ning for the Geor­gia Sen­ate Dis­trict 20. Run­ning against Lar­ry Walk­er has been the incum­bent for the past 8 years. He was a demo­c­rat until 2002, his vot­ing record is not mod­er­ate at best. This past ses­sion he tried to give the impres­sion that he is a con­ser­v­a­tive. In 2016 he vot­ed non-par­ti­san. His spouse is vocal about vot­ing for Biden.
  • Marine and has a firearms busi­ness in mid­dle Geor­gia. She has been to the bor­der sev­er­al times.
  • Peach State Val­ues Inc PAC run­ning ad with pho­to­shopped pic behind bars. Lar­ry Walk­er has been CEO. he signed it over to Sen Brass so he would not be charged with cam­paign finance laws. PAC run­ning smear cam­paign against Tori.
  • Hb354 Lar­ry cham­pi­oned to do hair and make­up with­out a license. He was praised by a pro-ille­gal group with sev­er­al ille­gal friend­ly bills such as Hb1105. He agrees with the Green New Deal. Lar­ry con­trols the repub­li­can cau­cus. The dis­trict is ready for change.

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