Home / Georgia / Brant Frost Worked With Debbie Dooley To Remove BKP from GA GOP

Brant Frost Worked With Debbie Dooley To Remove BKP from GA GOP

  • There was only one speak­er that real­ly stood up and stood out this week­end and that is doc­tor Jane John­ston from the State Board of Elec­tions.
  • If you are a GRA mem­ber you have to come togeth­er and you have to get rid of Brant Frost. Brant Frost worked with Deb­bie Doo­ley to remove BKP. They tried to slip in Nik­ki Haley sup­port­ers. They dont want the BKP to hear the con­ver­sa­tions.
  • BJ Van­Gundy was the 1st vice chair, BKP won against BJ.
  • Brant Frost was the 2nd Vice chair, and David Cross beat him. Between BJ and Brant and Josh McK­oon and Jason Thomp­son. The chair­man, Josh McK­oon, is the CEO, he is the dic­ta­tor and he is bought and paid for in BKPs opin­ion. Brant Frost over­sees the GRA PAC. Deb­bie Doo­ley said that she is polling the state com­mit­tee mem­bers and not the del­e­gates. His sis­ter is the 8th dis­trict chair. The chair­man set up an exec­u­tive com­mit­tee meet­ing after the arti­cle, it was an attack for the 2 hour meet­ing.
  • One by one, BKP exposed the exec­u­tive com­mit­tee. From the time BKP came off the stage after being elect­ed there has been a cam­paign to remove BKP from the GOP. Brant, are you the GA Exam­in­er with Deb­bie Doo­ley. The del­e­gates vot­ed Deb­bie out.

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